149 Tasting Notes
I’m currently drinking the Pre-Rain Organic Anji Bai Cha from April 2011, and it is wonderful!
A delicious delicate savory flavour that carries the tell tale roasted chestnut aroma of chinese teas. Also has a wonderful vegetable note on the tongue as well.
Bouteaque Blue Mist is one of the tea’s that Erika prides herself on discovering. Her staff will go on and on about how many awards it has won, and granted finding a Nilgiri tea un-scented now a days is rather unique. However that being said Nilgiri’s aren’t really known for their distinctive flavours, the opposite, they were predominately used for bases of flavoured and scented teas.
For being a black, the first time i had this tea I was severely disappointed in it. Lowering the temperature did significantly help this tea, and did help to bring out some subtle flavours that had otherwise gone un-noticed.
Is it worth the price? probably not. Is it worth a try, most likely in the sense to try a tea that often times gets over looked.
*edit I just made the perfect pot, Bouteaque Blue Mist, why must you be so temperamental. (but oh the roses and flowers that were the essence of the tea!)
Scenting a white tea with grape flavorade is a horrible idea.
White grape would be the perfect ice-tea drink for some yuppy mother wanting to get as much of the ‘anti-oxidants’ she can while still getting some purple drank.
A horribly mediocre Darjeeling in my opinion. I have tried this tea 4 times from different buyers and from different years, the one constant, its crappy quality.
little of the tell tale muscatel notes, and to be honest not much flavour at all. Makaibari prizes itself on being one of the first bio dynamic tea estates in Darjeeling, yet seems to for go quality instead for trying to create a name for itself by hiring documentary crew to film in the estate.
At two different Darjeeling tea tastings I went to (one 2 weeks ago, and one a year ago), Makaibari Second Flush Darjeeling came in last.