drank Sweet Black Gulou by Harney & Sons
275 tasting notes

Attempting to sip down/de clutter teas from my stash.

Well looking in the tin, its obvious I’ve tried this before a few times in the year and more since I bought it. But no notes or ratings, which means I didn’t like it.

Now, its not bad, but not a flavor profile I am wild about. Its more astringent and drying than I like, which becomes more pronounced as it cools.

I think this is one I should be able to finish. Might try this as a cold brew and see how I feel that way.


Sometimes that profile is best with food, as the astringency can clear the palate and become almost unnoticeable…until the plate is clear!


I can’t drink hot liquid with food. I know, I am weird. :)
Thanks for the suggestion though.

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Sometimes that profile is best with food, as the astringency can clear the palate and become almost unnoticeable…until the plate is clear!


I can’t drink hot liquid with food. I know, I am weird. :)
Thanks for the suggestion though.

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Due to Steepster instability, I have moved to my own system for logging/rating/tracking and I have chosen to move to a 10pt rating system. (As of 7/2023)

All new teas will be rated using this new system. Existing teas will not be modified unless I try them again.

Rating Details:
100 – Amazing
90 – Excellent
80 – Enjoyable
70 – If I’m in the right mood
60 – Nothing Special
50 – Interesting elements, but doesn’t work as a whole
40 – Disappointing
30 – Not for me
20 – Harsh/Bad
10 – Absolutely horrible

All reviews are purely subjective based upon my personal preferences alone.


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