From subscription box
The last few days have been so hectic. Today is my third day trying this one out and I am finally getting a change to notice it let alone drink it while its hot or make any notes.
This one almost seems to have a toasty flavor, but its very subtle. Not normally something I enjoy, but its not getting in the way here.
It also has a bit of a drying affect in the mouth, more than I am used to in the black teas I have tried from Yunnan.
I’d say more, but I just slathered the lower half of my right leg with Icy Hot, so now everything tastes and smells like menthol. Not good planning on my part. I will have to return to this one another day.
It’s amazing how smell and taste can mess with overall perception of tea.
Of just about everything. Our perception of flavor is actually a combination of taste and smell. That’s part of the reason why things just don’t taste right when you get a head cold.
And why Icy Hot can utterly ruin a nice cup of tea :D