So I went to LA to visit the college my son will go to and to visit my best friend. Went on a mad tea shopping spree at Lupicia and at American Tea Room! Oh, I can’t buy any more tea for a while until my inventory whittles down, or I go to another tea shop. haha
I was so excited to visit my second Lupicia store! In my tea shopping excitement, I remembered that I wanted this grapefruit one after reading TeaEqualsBliss’s review. I also bought four others. Yes, lots of reviews coming down the line!
I LOVE this one! Smells like fresh grapefruit, tastes like grapefruit in green tea (duh). Grassy grapefruity goodness! Yes, there is a little tartness from the grapefruit, but it’s a mild tartness and it’s delish. Had it hot tonight, can’t wait to have it iced tomorrow! Such a good flavor for the summer!