A very nice breakfast tea, malty and quite strong (don´t oversteep this one!!!).
What Bruu say themselves :
What it is? A splendid black, traditional breakfast tea that’s packed with flavour. It’s the pride and joy of South India’s Lockhart Tea Estate.
Why we love it : Handpicked on the day BRUU visited the Lockhart Factory. The Indian supervisor at the Lockhart factory where we sourced these leaves, made us a Lockhart Gold drink with added sugar. Naughty but nice. Thanks Mr. Yonus.
Where it’s from : Munnar, Kerala, South India (Lockhart Tea Estate). The slopes of Chokarmudy, one of South India’s highest peaks, from which the entire valley of Lockhart can be seen. Munnar is a place known for its beautiful tea estates and tea cultivation. No one will return home without tasting or shopping the tea essence of Munnar.
How our drink hits the senses : A sweet, earthy, brilliant and distinct malty scent that oozes quality.
The taste journey : Rich, strong and flavoursome cup enjoyed with or without milk.
Flavors: Malt, Tea