74 Tasting Notes


Great evening tea from Irresistibles, I think this is from A&P in Canada. Nice and chill and goes well with milk. Tastier than your average rooibos, maybe even way tastier. I liked it more than Second Cup’s version.

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Pretty darn fantastic and tasty. I wish they sold TWG more freely in the USA. I believe there is 1 store in NYC – come to San Francisco guys!!!! Paris-Singapore was very solid, and you know it’s gonna be good when it comes in one of those fancy cloth teabags. I got this one and a few others at the Singapore Airport Lounge and snuck a few away to have when I got home. This one was probably one of my favourite of the TWG options. Very tasty and an interesting twist. Only had one cup and it was a while back so it’s hard to remember the details, I just remember that it tasted great and the presentation/quality of the tea and teabag itself was stellar. TWG’s gift set would be a perfect gift. I might buy on for myself :)

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drank Adagio by Lupicia
74 tasting notes

This tea is glorious. Probably one of my absolute favourite teas ever. The idea of “Green” Rooibos is totally new to me and this baby is friggin’ delicious. I love Lupicia’s teas in the first place, but man this one is the best of the best. The grapefruit flavouring is very present and tangy – sweet citrusy notes galore. The lemongrass adds a very nice vibe and the fact that it’s herbal too is good for those late nights where you want a cuppa but don’t want to have a bunch of caffeine to keep you up. This tea is life-changingly good. I tore through a small bag in next-to-no-time at all. I’m getting more as soon as possible. This tea is epic.

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drank Yerba Mate by Samovar
74 tasting notes

So, this was the first time I actually tried Yerba Mate and I know this is Samovar’s twist on it, but yeah… it was super intense and kinda weird. I eventually got used to the flavour somewhat and I really enjoyed the experience of the metal straw and cool clay pot to drink out of, but wow, SO intense!!!! It was a bit like trying Lapsang Souchong for the first time. Kinda weird, too intense, but kinda fun for the same reasons. Interesting, but wouldn’t rush to order it again. Would be keen to try a different Yerba Mate somewhere else to see if Samovar’s was just made too strong.

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Hello fellow tea nerds!

I’m Canadian and my parents are South African, plus I lived in England and Australia as a kid… so I’m rockin some pretty mad British Empire vibe and thus I’ve been a tea fan for quite some time. I am now totally hooked on loose-leaf. It’s super fun to try a bazillion new kinds of tea and choose the right one for a given moment in a day.

My favourite teas are well balanced, mild, maybe fruity/citrusy or with interesting flavours (eg: silk oolongs, grapefruit green rooibos, jasmine silver needle white tea, melon white tea). I also like a solid malty British or other bold style black teas with some oomph (eg: Yunnan Golden Tips, PG Tips).

Let’s nerd out together about why tea is so friggin’ epic!


San Francisco, California



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