Following 59 Tea Drinkers

Hesper June 136 followers

A Farmer’s Wife who drinks her tea to forget the din of the world. Love all ...

TassieTeaGirl 60 followers

I remember getting my first cup of tea at about the age of 8. Just a standard...

LiberTEAS 1040 followers

I am obsessed with tea! I am a co-founder of the SororiTEA Sisters: http://so...

Lucy 125 followers

Azzrian 484 followers

Most of my reviews will be “snippits” of full reviews that can be found at ht...

Dexter 325 followers

C.S. Lewis – “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enou...

KiwiDelight 221 followers

I began drinking tea because its complexity fascinated me. I love learning ab...

Kittenna 634 followers

I have always been a tea fan (primarily herbals and Japanese greens/oolongs) ...



Hello fellow tea nerds!

I’m Canadian and my parents are South African, plus I lived in England and Australia as a kid… so I’m rockin some pretty mad British Empire vibe and thus I’ve been a tea fan for quite some time. I am now totally hooked on loose-leaf. It’s super fun to try a bazillion new kinds of tea and choose the right one for a given moment in a day.

My favourite teas are well balanced, mild, maybe fruity/citrusy or with interesting flavours (eg: silk oolongs, grapefruit green rooibos, jasmine silver needle white tea, melon white tea). I also like a solid malty British or other bold style black teas with some oomph (eg: Yunnan Golden Tips, PG Tips).

Let’s nerd out together about why tea is so friggin’ epic!


San Francisco, California


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