I’m starting my Harney and Sons tribute day with some Hot Cinnamon Sunset- my first H&S tea. This might have actually been my first non-Lipton hot tea. My mom gave it to me for some holiday or other when I was working on my Bachelor’s degree and it was my go-to tea (especially for studying!) for most of undergrad. Good memories :-). I kind of burnt myself out on it, so I haven’t had it in FOREVER and I forgot how delicious it is! This is my kind of cinnamon tea. It’s like “hey, here’s some delicious cinnamon for you to enjoy along with some cloves and oranges” rather than clubbing me over the head while screaming “CINNAMON!” like most cinnamon teas. It’s also a very forgiving tea. I used to abuse it with improper steeping conditions on a regular basis. Here’s to you, Mr. Harney! My condolences to the Harney family.
Flavors: Cinnamon, Clove, Orange