I decided to retry this tea because the BF was so sweet to try to buy me yummy tea and I only tried it once. The first time it was HORRIBLE, but I’m really glad that I tried it again because it was actually quite pleasant! My suspicion is that I steeped it incorrectly last time, but I’ve changed too many variables to know for sure. It is older, I only steeped it for 5 minutes (last time I left the tea in the cup the whole time), and I also added milk this time. Milk may have also been key. I should increase my n for this study (translation: try it more times :-) )This time I got mostly chocolate with spices with a hint of orange. Last time, it tasted like a zombie orange would if such a thing were possible. Also, I went to Ikea and got tins to store my looseleaf tea. They are magnetic so I can stick them to the side of my refrigerator AND I got to use my label maker on them. I’m quite pleased.
Flavors: Chocolate, Cinnamon, Orange Zest