I was very surprised by this tea, it was nothing like the last Nilgiri I tried. The color was very light, and the scent was floral. The flavor was kind of muscatel and earthy…tasted a lot like a Darjeeling tea to me, with a little sweetness as well. Nilgiri teas are definitely more diverse than I thought! Thanks for the sample, donkeytiara!

donkeyteaarrrraugh 10 years ago

You are very welcome! It was one of those fascinating teas that I wish everyone could try so that they could know what Nilgiris can be! Glad you enjoyed it!

Mike 10 years ago

It definitely makes me want to explore Nilgiri teas more! Overall, it definitely seems like one of the more underrated kinds of tea!

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donkeyteaarrrraugh 10 years ago

You are very welcome! It was one of those fascinating teas that I wish everyone could try so that they could know what Nilgiris can be! Glad you enjoyed it!

Mike 10 years ago

It definitely makes me want to explore Nilgiri teas more! Overall, it definitely seems like one of the more underrated kinds of tea!

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I’m a tea novice, and I’m loving my introduction to the World of Tea. I started getting into tea about 4 years ago when I lived in Brooklyn, NY. At first, I stayed with green teas, and took black teas completely for granted. However, in the last couple years I have enthusiastically added them to my daily routine. I love strong Assam black teas in the morning, and Japanese green teas in the afternoon, especially matcha and gyokuro. I have recently become a big fan of Keemuns. I’m looking forward to learning about new teas on this site and talking to other tea lovers!

As far as ratings go, don’t trust me. I’m a high rater, and I’m easily impressed. If I rate a tea lower than 70 (which is going to happen rarely, it seems), I probably will not drink that tea again. I will splurge for some teas at times, but I love a bargain, so you will often see me celebrating under-appreciated everyday teas.


Manchester, CT

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