drank Spiced Chai by Bigelow
136 tasting notes

This is not the worst tea I’ve ever tasted, but it’s definitely not one I’d say I enjoy. I don’t know which black tea they used is in this one, but it must be weak, because it’s masked by the smattering of spices…which aren’t all bad, but not the greatest in combination. I made the mistake of judging chais on this tea early in my tea drinking life. I have recently had some chai teas that I really like, but I waited a long time to try them. I’ll finish out the 20 bags in this box because I hate to waste tea…but I won’t buy it again.

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I’m a tea novice, and I’m loving my introduction to the World of Tea. I started getting into tea about 4 years ago when I lived in Brooklyn, NY. At first, I stayed with green teas, and took black teas completely for granted. However, in the last couple years I have enthusiastically added them to my daily routine. I love strong Assam black teas in the morning, and Japanese green teas in the afternoon, especially matcha and gyokuro. I have recently become a big fan of Keemuns. I’m looking forward to learning about new teas on this site and talking to other tea lovers!

As far as ratings go, don’t trust me. I’m a high rater, and I’m easily impressed. If I rate a tea lower than 70 (which is going to happen rarely, it seems), I probably will not drink that tea again. I will splurge for some teas at times, but I love a bargain, so you will often see me celebrating under-appreciated everyday teas.


Manchester, CT

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