I’m Robbie!
I’m 22 with a B.Sc in chemistry, currently doing a PhD in synthetic organic chemistry, both in University College Dublin.
Tea has become one of the most important parts of my life. I drink it almost everyday, and it grounds me whenever I need grounding, calms me when I need calming, and entertains me when I’m in need of entertaining.
I drink mostly oolong and puerh tea, sometimes green tea (in spring and summer), rarely white and yellow tea, and occasionally black tea (it comes in phases). I have a deep love for traditional oolongs, yancha and puerh (shou and sheng) in particular! :D
You can find me at, and
I post regularly on instagram about tea, I try to keep my blog up to date but never succeed, and I rarely go near that twitter account. My personal twitter account is!
Dublin, Ireland
Website /mcrdotcom