Wow. I discovered the best blend EVERRRR but first lets talk about the stand alone Honeybush.
I ordered a sample of this stuff in addition to my Gunpowder order from Adagio. It had high ratings on the site so I figured I would give it a try. I popped the lid and the mango scent hit me immediately; it smells like candy. I knew this stuff was going to be good. I put in about 2 heaping tea spoons in the infuser, poured my water and let it steep for 6 minutes.
-Mango taste consistent throughout, not too strong (I could make it stronger if I wanted) but also it didn’t need any sweetener in my opinion. The taste was on the surface level, not too complex. After taste was a light and sweet. My mouth tasted of the mango afterwards.
-Cup tended to taste better as I drank it more. I would say that the steep of 6-7 minutes will work great but perhaps bring the temp. down a bit. I could definitely see this tasting great at a cooler temperature or even iced with some sweetener. Actually, not a bad idea :)
-Aroma is deliciousss. This is really one of those teas that tastes like it smells. I love when that happens.
So for my second steep I decided to add the overabundance of Gunpowder I have, as I figured it would sweeten up my vegetative cup with a little mango. I tossed in a tea spoon of green tea and let it sit for about 6 minutes. OH boy. this was good. It’s so much more complex this way.. at first I thought I put in too much Gunpowder, as my first couple sips didn’t have much mango flavor. But then, as the cup cooled, the gunpowder and mango blended so well.. an initial taste of green tea and then an after taste of mango and green tea. It’s so gooood. In general with this mix, cooler temp=better. End of the cup was a lot better than the start. I could see this blending with a lot of teas very well. And sure, you can try my own recipe for yourself :)
Adagio’s Honeybush Apricot is awesome, too!