Looking for a little energy this morning. Work hasn’t gone so well today, and I begin packing for my move tonight. But all I want to so is SLEEP! I haven’t had this one lately, so I thought I’d give it a try.
It used to be a favorite, but I didn’t enjoy it as much today. It wasn’t horrible, but a little off. Might be my mood? Or maybe it’s the frustration of all the hoops I have to jump through to be approved for time off for surgery. Is it too late to back out? I don’t really want surgery.
Sigh. Maybe I’ll dig out that sample of mate from David’s. Must have more energy to get throuogh this day!
Ah, you’re moving too! I hope all will go well with it.
You too? Isn’t this a king sized pain on the butt? I hope your move goes smoothly!