Following 19 Tea Drinkers

Crimson Lotus Tea 178 followers

We are Crimson Lotus Tea, a Seattle area puerh tea import and education compa...

Uniquity 553 followers

I’ve been drinking loose tea since 2010 and my tastes have changed a lot over...

Oolong Owl 772 followers

I’m a tea blogger – The Oolong Owl – I do tea reviews, obs...

AllanK 396 followers

I am Allan. I live and work in Long Island, New York. I have been amassing a ...

K S 454 followers

K.S. passed away in late April. There will be no more postings from him. Than...

Haveteawilltravel 273 followers

Young and experienced Tea consumer. I’m continuously learning and developing ...

BrewWhatThouWilt 12 followers

A longtime tea-drinker but a relatively new gong fu enthusiast. My preferred ...

Rich 134 followers

Kittenna 634 followers

I have always been a tea fan (primarily herbals and Japanese greens/oolongs) ...



I’m an Audio Engineer, I travel quite frequently, so tasting notes will be intermittent, and from all over. I’m a fairly new to Puerh, and Puerh is what I’ll be mainly drinking. I’m still in the search for a good travel setup. I’ve already lost a gaiwan lid. RIP.

I don’t have a huge cupboard, but if something strikes your fancy, I might be able to help you out.

I stole my ratings from @derk, please follow. (Spot on, if you ask me)

Review Ratings:

100-90: A tea I can lose myself into. Something about it makes me slow down and appreciate not only the tea but all of life or a moment in time. If it’s a bagged or herbal tea, it’s of standout quality in comparison to similar items.
89-80: Fits my profile well enough to buy again.
79-70: Not a preferred tea. I might buy more or try a different harvest. Would gladly have a cup if offered.
69-60: Not necessarily a bad tea but one that I won’t buy again. Would have a cup if offered.
59-1: Lacking several elements, strangely clunky, possess off flavors/aroma/texture or something about it makes me not want to finish.
Unrated: Haven’t made up my mind or some other reason. If it’s puerh, I likely think it needs more age.


Florida, USA

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