I WILL NOT get sick. Will not.Willnotwillnot. In the interest of not allowing myself to come down with the blorgie, I am drinking a lot of tea today. And of the samples I picked up the other day, this is one of only two that I like. The almond comes through really strongly, and I have tried this one with both water and vanilla almond milk (I think I like the water better, oddly.) If I get an espresso machine for Christmas I’ll be trying again with steamed milk, because I do think this’d make a divine latte. Why Starbucks hasn’t started pushing this blend as a tea latte, I don’t know… apart from them not having a partnership with RoT, I mean.
Anyway, a nutty, rich blend. Nothing like coffee… not going to substitute for coffee. Not sure what the latte in the name refers to, other than a good rhyme.
5 min, 0 sec