This came as a sample from Terri Harplady, called Qilan Wuyi Oolong but that page on Steepster will not let you click on it to review. So after reading reviews, I found others were having trouble with the name and that it might have been entered incorrectly.
I was also confused by the flavor of this one, it is not available anymore anyway but it had flavors I wasn’t expecting.
I followed instructions from the Verdant website, did a rinse then steeped for 1 minute.
The flavor had a touch of floral and some astringency and scents of bamboo. A little hint of fennel.
Shows you how many flavors and scents can be achieved with one Camellia Sinensis!!!!! I would love to watch them roll, roast, etc. to learn how they do it all!!!!!
Flavors: Anise, Bamboo, Flowers