I must confess: when I first received this, my heart broke into itty-bitty pieces.

Oh no! Cherry! AAAAAH!

I usually hate cherry. It tends to remind me of cough medicine. What if I hated it? How would I show my face at Tea Club?

Full post, including my current status at Tea Club, is here:

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mtchyg 8 years ago

That sounds amazing. My absolutely favorite winter time dessert is chocolate cherry cordial with a cup of coffee.

Super Starling! 8 years ago

I think I might have sipped this one down. :| But if something like it ever comes back, get on it!

mtchyg 8 years ago

I went ahead and ordered this. Your review prompted me. AND IT IS AWESOME!

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mtchyg 8 years ago

That sounds amazing. My absolutely favorite winter time dessert is chocolate cherry cordial with a cup of coffee.

Super Starling! 8 years ago

I think I might have sipped this one down. :| But if something like it ever comes back, get on it!

mtchyg 8 years ago

I went ahead and ordered this. Your review prompted me. AND IT IS AWESOME!

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I’m a graphic designer, illustrator, crafter, geek, and recent tea convert. I love teas that are sweet, zippy (caffeinated), and hopeful. In concrete terms, that’s usually black or maté tea, with some chocolate/vanilla/berry/nut in there somewhere. If it gives me the dessert experience without the calories, my heart soars.

I’m not a big fan of mint, grass (“yogi farts”), sours, or bitterness.

I’m into the idea of trading to try new things. If you think our flavor profiles coordinate, let me know, and we can swap boxes!


Pennsylvania, USA



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