440 Tasting Notes
Brewed this one up last night to sip as I watched tv. Dry it smells so lovely, and you can see actual cherries sitting in the blend in large numbers. Which leaves me wondering how it can become such a delicate flavour after brewing. It is lovely, but almost too light for me, especially once the floral notes start creeping in as the cup cools. Its a nice tea, but I don’t think that its the cherry tea for me.
Despite having so many varieties and flavours of tea, sometimes a girl just craves a cup of orange pekoe. With this in mind, I got some of this one when we were at the Tea Haus on Friday and brewed it up for my morning cup today. Black, this is malty and hearty, and a great morning cup. I’m not the biggest malt fan so I added some sugar and mmmm this became a great one for me. I can see myself drinking this in the morning to wake up or the evening to unwind after a rough day. It would also be a great tea to blend with as well.
Yum, I love this tea. It is sweet and mellow and just exactly what I had been hoping for when I first smelled it. I can see why it is described as a blend of peach and melon because yeah, that’s exactly what it tastes like to me. I can’t wait to try this one iced because I suspect it is going to be amazing served on ice with raspberries.
do you freeze your raspberries or throw them in fresh?
I ask because I want to do this exact thing, it sounds delicious :D
can’t wait to try it, have not been crazy about the latest DT’s, but I have a feeling this one is worthy!
I’ve tried it both ways, DaisyChubb! My favourite though is using frozen raspberries as ice cubes. It always makes people smile when I make them a drink.
I agree with you TheTeaFairy, there have been few this year that have excited me. I suspect that’s why I’m going tomorrow to get an entire tin of this one. I don’t believe yet that it truly exists!
A big thank you to Erin for sharing this with me. It was doubly appreciated since it is impossible to get anymore.
Knowing that this tea is older, I knew that some of the notes would taste differently than they would’ve before. Curiously the dry leaf smelled like . . . children’s vitamins. You know, those ones that are supposed to be orange flavoured but actually don’t taste like anything someone would actually ever call food? Yeah, it smelled like those.
I brewed it up as per the directions, giving it a three minute steep, the lower end of the recommended spectrum. Excitedly I took my first sip and got . . . vitamins. It tastes exactly like it smells, complete with that powder taste that I always got after the vitamin. I almost thought that Fred and Barney were sitting in front of me in pink and purple pill form.
I am grateful to Erin for letting me try this one, however even if it was still available, I don’t think that I would buy it.
They totally do! My mind was blown by seeing them in Walmart a little while ago. But until then, and this note, I had totally forgot about them.
They do still make them! They also make gummy ones and sour gummy ones, but the classic are the best. Don’t ask how I know this. >_>
Why don’t they make gummy vitamins for adults? They’d be so much more . . . inviting. hates taking vitamins
I seen some gummys for adults at costco I believe. If you look around you’ll find them. :D Right here I really feel like I need to say, " If you build it, they will come."
Actually, they do… (for adults). I think they’re called Vita-Craves. Not sure about their availability in your part of the world…
Despite the licorice in this one, the smell of the chocolate lured me in to try a small sample. I was happy to see that it hit the wall so I didn’t have to buy the jar sets.
Dry, it smells a lot like chocolate with an undercurrent of spiced notes. Normally the licorice in the ingredients would send me running, but I tried it anyway. Brewed, the chocolate is the main flavour. In fact that was all I got in the first couple sips. Soon though the licorice notes peeked out and it became the prominent afternote.
Overall it wasn’t bad, and I can see why others would like it, but it wasn’t the tea for me. Not rating it because I don’t believe in marking things down for personal preferences and/or issues.
After all the controversy and wank yesterday over this one, it sent me back to my cupboard to have a nice big glass of it myself. This is definitely a comfort tea for me, and one I adore. The tea flavour is strong but not overpowering, and there’s enough sugar in here to bring a dead horse back to life. The milk gives it a bit of froth and creaminess, and it honestly is still my favourite wakeup cup in the morning, over a year (and many many teas) later. I just can’t drink this one at night because the combination of the caffeine and the sugar leave me pretty wired for an hour or two.
In a bid to purge my last in-cup experience with The Glow (see last review), I decided to have this one as a to-go last night while wandering the mall with my sister. I’m not sure if that was a wise decision or not. I was craving the cinnamon and it was definitely there and delicious, but there was a very strong off backtaste. I’m not sure if it was because of burnt leaves or if it was something else. Either way, I finished the cup which is a step up, but I think next time I’m going with an old standby to make sure I enjoy the tea!