So this was a fun one. I did 2 steeps of this which was fine since that is all I was planning on doing with this. The first one ended up very light and the pearls didn’t open fully yet. It tasted fine to me, a little light but still tasted fine. Now the second one is where things hit the fan. While waiting for my water I took one of the half opened pearls out and unraveled it. It was burnt in the middle. This is the point I realized this next steeping was dangerous. I steeped up the tea still, because why not. The liquid was slightly brown like someone mixed black tea and white tea together. Now the taste… The taste was like someone burnt silver needle tea, which is exactly what happened since the middle of almost all of these were burnt. So my conclusion is that I would drink this again only if I were to throw out the tea before it opened up all the way.