What a busy day, oh my gosh!
So this morning, I decided to leave extra early because I wanted to get to class early and turns out, they weren’t opening up guest parking till 8:30, and I had to be parkside at 8:30!! So it was a huge mess of trying to get to the right place, and getting stopped by plenty of other cast members and two people from security and wow, it was a mess.
But class parkside was fantastic, and I got to play in the parks with my friends after.
Went home, showered, and got ready for initiation banquet happening at school.
I got to RKR and talked to a lot of people and they were all so nice! I met Nancy and her parents and they let me sit with them since I went alone. Dinner was PHENOMENAL. Like seriously. The meat was cooked perfectly and melted in your mouth, and the roasted brussels sprouts with the onion and garlic in the risotto. Ugh. It was divine. And then you have the Chocolate Pot De Créme which was just perfect to wrap the dinner.
Initiation happened and I got my chord with the certificate and I felt smart hehe. There’s the third honor society in my college career! I think I might be in too many, but Honor Societies just make me feel good hehe. And this is the one specific to my major so I’m so happy I got invited to join.
But I decided on this tea because I wanted something like hot cocoa, but no caffeine to end the night and this rich caramel/honey roasted barley tea just sounded perfect! Just having it plain tonight. No sugar or milk and I think it actually works :)