Ugh. Got like 3 hours of sleep last night since I had to be up so early. I really really REALLY hate seeing 6:45 AM unless I’m about to head off to bed now. Oh well, I’m sure I will make up for that tonight.
So when we had a break at my Nurse Residency class today I found some of this near the coffee machine. It was a sad little box, all alone and neglected in favor of the coffee pot but I was super glad to see there was at least something there for me!
This steeped up pretty dark and pretty quickly too. I added some sugar and creamer and it was surprisingly flavorful. The bergamot was at the forefront like it should be in all earl greys, with a solid, if unmemorable, black base. Not the best Earl Grey I’ve had but not bad for a bagged option!
Those random, bagged Earl Greys are a lighthouse in a sea of darkness, aren’t they? :D