I was skeptical. As a s’more lover, I’ve tried many “s’more” flavoured products. How many have actually captured the essence of s’more? NONE.
But at this moment I sit at my computer, eating granola and sipping S’more Oolong. Well done, Teavana. I taste the chocolate, and some how, almost by magic, I taste graham cracker. This feels like the perfect tea as we start rolling into fall. It’s warm and toasty tasting. Reminds me of sitting out by the fire.
A note on the steep time, I tasted it after 3 minutes and it seemed a bit weak so I left the bag in while I drank it.
That being said, I enjoy it – especially for the current price -, but I won’t restock it.
Flavors: Chocolate, Creamy, Graham Cracker, Spices