Great Canadian Travelling Tea Box

I’m being lazy and not creating a new tea page for The TeaCupany Green Mandarin Orange. I brewed just over 1tsp in a 12oz mug, 175 degrees for 3 minutes which is pretty close to the instructions.

It’s not bad. Green tea is one of the few types that I can easily drink unsweetened (prepared correctly that is), but with that being said, none of the flavors really pop when I do that. I faintly taste lemon and maybe a little orange, but it’s an afterthought, not the main event. I bet I would taste more fruit if I sweetened it, but given that this is one of the few types of teas I can do without, I’ll sip the rest of the cup as is.

0 OZ / 0 ML

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I recently discovered loose leaf tea and am already addicted (much to my husband’s dismay)! I prefer fruity teas iced and savory teas hot. Looking forward to drinking and chatting.

Some likes/dislikes I’ve been noticing:

Fruity White Teas
lighters Blacks
Most Oolongs (especially greener varieties)
dessert teas
tisanes iced that don’t require added sweetener

Spicy flavors unless in chai
astringent black teas
heavy ginger teas
teas with licorice (as primary ingredients – somehow I like some where the licorice is in the back drop)
heavily oxidized oolongs

For my own reference, I’m only placing “full size” teas in my cupboard.



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