SO. I’ve had this extreme craving for a deep, roasty, mildly nutty OOLONG TEA for weeks!!!
and this was my latest attempt at quelching it. Was I successful? not quite. However I don’t regret this purchase. I needed an oolong for the office anyhow.
The taste is indeed bakey, and fruity just as the description indicates. No sugar required, it’s very sweet all on it’s own, even into the third steep! I wish I’d had time for more :)
I do wish it had more oomph though. It was a little weak on the oolong part and too heavy on the fruit.
The shop didn’t have the “roasty” oolong I waaaaaaant sooooo badly so I had to settle for this, but really it’s not such a bad deal!
They had an oolong/black blend that piqued my interest but I’m wary. That’s a big committment to make! I was 80% sure I would like this one, and if I didn’t well a friend of mine offered to take it off my hands.
Oh, and something else- the leaves had twigs living amongt them! and they were crunchy. Dried out as if they’d been left out of the tin in the sun! Meh. It makes a decent cuppa so it can’t be that badly dried out. (right??)
I think I need to hit up Tea Dynasty. Oi, Zeus help me… please don’t let me buy more tea!
(says the girl who can’t stop thinking about sampling the new David’s tea, or that roasty oolong. or malty assams or… oh dear, I could go on forever)
I always worry about tea spots that label and tea formosa oolong….formosa was just the old imposed european name for Taiwan and so means very little, seeing that Taiwan produces some of the most amazing oolong teas on the planet…and they have so many different kinds, methods, and varietals with so many names…to blanket a tea with a generic name like that is like selling a tea by the simple name of ‘orange pekoe’…its all smoke and mirrors…i want to know the farmer, the grade, the legends, the season…I want to celebrate the wonder of nature in a cup
Kashyap: agreed!! I’ve noticed that oolongs, formosa in particular is such a vague title that I never know what I’ll get!! this time I knew it’d be fruity, but I would have loved to learn more before indulging. and I love your sentiment of “celebrating the wonder of nature in a cup”!
I always worry about tea spots that label and tea formosa oolong….formosa was just the old imposed european name for Taiwan and so means very little, seeing that Taiwan produces some of the most amazing oolong teas on the planet…and they have so many different kinds, methods, and varietals with so many names…to blanket a tea with a generic name like that is like selling a tea by the simple name of ‘orange pekoe’…its all smoke and mirrors…i want to know the farmer, the grade, the legends, the season…I want to celebrate the wonder of nature in a cup
Kashyp, you’re so deep. swoon
Kashyap: agreed!! I’ve noticed that oolongs, formosa in particular is such a vague title that I never know what I’ll get!! this time I knew it’d be fruity, but I would have loved to learn more before indulging. and I love your sentiment of “celebrating the wonder of nature in a cup”!
Jenn: agreed! Kashyap is my go to person for all things tea knowledge!