I think I over-leafed this one, as it is a little bitter and sour, but still pretty mild. I measured on my bamboo spoon and seemed like a good amount, but that left less than half of the sample packet left. It is still pretty decent, aside from that, and I am surprised that such a short steep brought out as much flavour as I got. The dry leaf of this one smells so fresh and green, but the brewed tea seems to be a little heartier. Almost roasted? To me, at least. I dunno. It could be me, or maybe the over-leafing.
I’d say that this tea, given the faults in my brewing, is still pretty nice. I am grateful that Angel at Teavivre sent me this one. I hope my follow up steep with the rest of the package will give me a slightly more moderate flavour profile. So far, I think I like Dragonwell greens the best from China. Especially really butter ones.