Chun Mei Green Tea (Zhen Mei)

Tea type
Green Tea
Green Tea
Apricot, Astringent, Autumn Leaf Pile, Bitter, Earth, Hay, Mineral, Plum, Roasted, Roasted Nuts, Smoke, Stonefruit, Straw, Wood
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by TeaVivre
Average preparation
190 °F / 87 °C 1 min, 15 sec 5 g 13 oz / 391 ml

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36 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Eventually it had to happen. I just poured the last of this wonderfully sweet hay scented leaf into my press. Verily, verily, I say unto you; my heart is heavy with sadness. Yet, will I rejoice in...” Read full tasting note
  • “This is my first Chun Mei, at least as far as I know! The aroma and look of the leaves was completely different from the green tea I drank yesterday. This was not as brightly green, and had a...” Read full tasting note
  • “A reason to drink today! As of today I have been blessed to be a father of my little angel for 5 years today. Since I can’t “drink” on the job this will do nicely. Still a good brew but...” Read full tasting note
  • “As it turns out, night time is not a good time for drinking this tea. I had a craving for something full of umami and and hint of smoke. Shoulda stuck with my Tencha Houjicha from Den’s. That’s...” Read full tasting note

From Teavivre

Origin: Huangshan, Anhui, China

Ingredients: Jade colored buds and leaves, with a small curved “eyebrow” shape

Taste: An earthy, slightly bitter tea with a plum aftertaste

Brew: 1-2 teaspoons for 8oz of water. Brew at 194 ºF (90 ºC) for less than 30 seconds (exact time depends on your taste – a longer time will give the tea a stronger taste and color)

Health Benefits: Chun Mei, like all green teas, has high levels of antioxidants that reportedly reduce the incidence of cancer, promote good skin tone and help reduce the affects of aging. Also high in vitamin C, fluoride and calcium, they also promote healthy teeth and bones.

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36 Tasting Notes

1719 tasting notes

Eventually it had to happen. I just poured the last of this wonderfully sweet hay scented leaf into my press. Verily, verily, I say unto you; my heart is heavy with sadness. Yet, will I rejoice in the goodness of the cup that awaits. I shall lift up my cup in song and celebration. Yes, in remembrance of the time we have shared old friend, will I sip. Forgetting now the sorrow of our parting I shall carry the joy of our time together in my heart until the day we once again are united.


Bwahahahahaha! My order is already here! I have a whole bag! I couldn’t do without it as bravely as you.


KS – luckily you know where to get more. :)


I am waiting to go through my newest samples. I know I must have dragon pearls (MUST HAVE), pretty sure I will also get more dragon well. Have to find the drawer bottom – well at least see it exists before ordering. Maybe I need a bigger drawer?


K S: moe and larger drawers. Maybe whole cabinets.


;) I use to wonder why anyone would order 1oz of tea. It is starting to make sense.


^ to me too


A moment of silence……

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3498 tasting notes

This is my first Chun Mei, at least as far as I know!

The aroma and look of the leaves was completely different from the green tea I drank yesterday. This was not as brightly green, and had a completely different aroma. No wet cooked turnip or mustard greens here!

I accidentally used too much leaf. The first sip was astringent and a little sour, my fault. I had already resteeped the leaves so I did what I had read in an article on serving tea in Britain through the years. I read that sometimes tea was made extra strong and the hot water pot was used for people to adjust the tea to their liking. I picked up the kettle and added water until I had the right amount for the amount of leaf I used. All better!

This is still a drying tea, as it is supposed to be. It is neither bitter nor sour. It makes me think of sunshine on dry hay. I made four steeps and combined them all into one pot after tasting a sip from both the first and second steep unmixed. There is plenty of flavor left. I shall enjoy having this as my morning green!

Thank you, Angel and Teavivre!


I actually do this all the time as well. When I’m unfamiliar with a tea, I err on the side of too strong and just dilute it if I have to. It’s much harder to make a weak tea stronger.


This is two days in a row (at least) where we have logged the same tea. So what are you planning for tomorrow? lol


LOL! Well, KS, tomorrow I am going to be high as a kite cuz I have follow up testing from my cancer treatment! Last time, I went to Panera for lunch and then bought 24 bottles of glitter and wondered where the heck it came from the next day. (Don’t worry, someone else drove!) I think I will try the rose puerh tuo cha! I think you got that in your second box. I got it in my third! If you have any left, steep it up! I should be coherent by noon ish!


Kind of sounds like my college days… testing was a bit different of course. ha. I almost grabbed the rose toucha today so we are on the same wavelength. Could be the glitter.


Best of luck for tomorrow Ashmanra ♡

- and what did you do with all the glitter ??


LOL! I use it on the cards I make! I already told my daughter NOT to take me anywhere, but she says we are going to Best Buy and she is hoping I will buy her a sparkly laptop. I won’t be THAT far gone!

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377 tasting notes

A reason to drink today! As of today I have been blessed to be a father of my little angel for 5 years today. Since I can’t “drink” on the job this will do nicely. Still a good brew but “nutterbutters” I steeped it too long and it’s orange. I have found that’s a sure fire way to know you have steeped green tea for too long. It turns orange. Still pretty good though. Cheers.


Happy Birthday to your little one! :)


Happy Birthday to mini DJBooth! : )


Does this make it your Dad-a-versary? (I’m smiling at the thought of a daddy-and-daughter tea party.)

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525 tasting notes

As it turns out, night time is not a good time for drinking this tea. I had a craving for something full of umami and and hint of smoke. Shoulda stuck with my Tencha Houjicha from Den’s. That’s a tasty tea that’s low on caffeine!

This tea is tasty too! Clearly I wouldn’t have pumped myself full of caffeine at 9PM if it wasn’t. :) It’s a total mystery to me how this tea can taste like concentrated umami and other teas can taste like fruit or chocolate. Tea is magical! There is something really familiar about the flavor in this one. It’s like a food that I can’t put my finger on. What is it??? It smells like the inside of a Chinese dry foods store. Where they sell dried squids, dried scallops, dried mushrooms, dried herbs and roots and nut and berries. Dried everything you can imagine! It smells like that store. Any body have experience with such stores know what I’m talking about? Next time you pass by a store in China town with open bins of mysterious dried things for sale, walk in and take a good sniff. Then try this tea and tell me if I’m crazy.

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368 tasting notes

I found a tiny bit of this left over as well, and so I’m in use-up-samples mode before I compile my order of new teas for 2012.

I’m bumping this up a bit having had it on the heels of the Xin Yang Mao Jian. The two are so different that I’m able to appreciate this cup a lot more than the last time I tasted it.

The Xin Yang Mao Jian is delicate and shy. This is big, bold, strong and a bit unrefined (but not in a bad way). I love the Xin Yang Mao Jian in my delicate little gaiwan but I feel like I should be drinking this Chun Mei out of my 16 ounce mug with the Ester Island face on it.

The color is a deep golden and yet the flavor has very little roast this time. This is like an untamed thicket of rioting green foliage.

195 °F / 90 °C 0 min, 15 sec

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294 tasting notes
Today I am able to sit and not only taste, but review. A 30 or 40 second steep with a generous amount of leaf has yielded a refreshing and flavorful cup. It brews quickly. I can see this tea being able to withstand multiple steepings and still maintaining its flavor. I really cannot comment on the energy because I am getting a wee bit tea drunk today. Overall, this is a very fine tea that will be purchased from Teavivre. I would like to thank Angel again for her kindness. Teavivre has a brilliant idea. They know they have a great product. They let us try it and we will buy it.

I was also amazed at how much flavor came out of these small leaves in just 30 sec. Even the other steeps did not require more than 45 sec. I stopped at 3 ( lack of time) but I ‘m sure I could get more out of it next time… the taste is also very different from other greens I’ve had, lovely tea!

Charles Thomas Draper

A very interesting tea ….

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300 tasting notes

I’ve had a few smokey green tea before but this one is unique. It has a cool tingly sweet aftertaste that reminds me of orchid and ginseng oolongs. It didn’t come out till the second steep and is most strong in the third. I hadn’t experienced it in a green before neat! It is a bit bitter at the front and charcoaly, but the lingering taste on my tongue and in my throat are worth it. Thanks Michelle for sharing this one!

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323 tasting notes

I was looking through my sample box, looking for a green tea this morning, and I stumbled across this one. I can’t believe I forgot I had it!

The dry leaf is a dark-scented, almost like a light Darjeeling. The pieces are small and fairly broken, and although I’m drinking it out of my TARDIS mug (I can’t get over it. It’s fantastic.) it’s a mid-range light yellow.

It tastes the way it smells, sort of a darker green with hints of pepper and cucumber. It’s a bit bitter, but as my tea kettle only does 180 and 212 with accuracy, I had to guess for the 195. It’s good, though. It’s a hearty green.

190 °F / 87 °C 0 min, 30 sec

I love the sweet plum aftertaste that rises up with this one.


Yes! Especially on subsequent steeps!

Autumn Hearth

TARDIS mug! :)


Michelle I just started knitting a Tom Baker scarf for my daughter and we are trying to convince hubby to help us build a Tardis in the backyard. :)

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735 tasting notes

Ooh, here we go. This is what I like in a green tea. I know it seems weird, but I didn’t know what I was “tasting for” in them before. I had experienced so few that I didn’t know what characteristics I liked and wanted to pursue.

The smokiness pleases the black tea lover in me. It’s more in the scent than the taste; subtle. I don’t exactly taste the plum that Teavivre describes, but I sense some sort of creaminess that I’m also liking. There are no strong vegetable or seaweed tastes to it, which I’m still adjusting to. Maybe a little nuttiness. Anyway, this is really good. I’m going to have to explore Chun Mei, I think.

195 °F / 90 °C 1 min, 30 sec

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863 tasting notes

Another free sample generously provided to me by TeaVivre!

Dry leaf: Small and dark green leaves that smelled of spinach. They were whole, but the leaves were so small that they resembled a BOP grade, almost. I understand the reasoning behind the short steep time when looking at the leaves.

Steeped leaf: Once steeped, the liquor is a light brown – the fact it is so dark is surprising given I’ve steeped some greens for 2 minutes and only gotten a pale green. The smell is quite brothy and savory, and as it cools, almost…floral, strangely enough.

The taste is…strong. And very different. It’s drying like a white wine on the tongue, but not thin or watery. It seems kind of bitter, but that plum aftertaste was there – it seemed a bit metallic, though. It is definitely memorable and different than any other green tea I’ve tried. As it cools most of the dryness and the sharpness in the aftertaste fades away. It leaves more of a sour nuttiness in its stead.

Overall: I’m glad I got to try it but I don’t know that it’s a tea I want to keep on hand. It could be the fact that it shares so many qualities with wine or sake – I don’t drink alcohol because I can’t stand the taste and so this is has unpleasant associations to me. Maybe later steeps will be more to my liking?

195 °F / 90 °C 0 min, 30 sec

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