Picked up a small amount of this today…about 12-14g of it, and you know, it’s alright.
I’m not getting anything super flavory…I am not getting super peachy or super apple. but that’s ok, actually. I get a little of a juicy peach, and a sort of smooth (perhaps creamy?) note as well. I have heard that this is pretty good as a latte, so I may need to try that.
The only thing I noticed is that my steeper had a hard time straining this one. I’m not sure if it is coincidence or not. I’ll take my steeper apart and give it a super clean in case something got clogged somewhere. But a word to the wise, this one may be a bagged tea kind of tea.
I think I will probably pick up more of this to try (maybe 25g to start?), as I really want to find teas without caffeine that I like, for nights (or after I have had too much caffeine in general), that is tasty hot and cold. I don’t know what this one will be like cold, but I think it is gonna be nice iced or cold brewed.