The first time I had this, it was too astringent and it didn’t resemble the Oriental Beauty I’d had previously. I didn’t log that one, thinking maybe I’d done something wrong. The second time I had it, which is today, it was quite the opposite. It was quite mild, and pale, and I’d wondered if I’d used enough leaf or let it steep too short. It was tasty for a milk dark oolong, but still wasn’t capturing the essence I’d had with my first Oriental Beauty love. So with the second steep of the second batch, I added the rest of the leaves from the sample pouch, had hotter water, and let it steep a good few minutes, and aahhhhhh!
I’m getting a sweet honey-ish dark oolong, almost a black tea, but milder and not too astringent. THIS is my Oriental Beauty!
Many thanks to FONG MONG for providing this sample!