5 Tasting Notes


I love this tea but I am taking a break from it right now because I’m tired of the smell and taste. It’s really nice with condensed milk or sugar/milk for the cold morning commute.


I’ve never tried this one – I only have the Earl’s Garden – I know it’s cruel to ask, but what does it taste like? i assume like a vanilla-y earl grey?

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drank Jumpy Monkey by DAVIDsTEA
5 tasting notes

I gave it a shot a few times – I am not a coffee drinker but like the occasional espresso drink before a big meeting, so I thought that this might be a good substitute. Not really my cup of tea though, perhaps it’ll go better for someone who likes the taste of coffee beans.

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drank Organic The Skinny by DAVIDsTEA
5 tasting notes

Didn’t like this one at first try but after a heavy (and greasy!) meal I gave it another shot, and although I’m not sure how skinny I feel now the meal didn’t leave any memorable effects. I think I will try this a few more times before I decide if I want to get more of this

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Taking a break from it right now but for a month straight, that’s what I drank most of the mornings… with a bit of syrup, the occasional milk, it’s a morning treat during the winter morning commute.

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Love this tea – the creamy flavour suppresses my urges for milk and sugar although I can see myself trying this in the future with a heavy spoonful of condensed milk.

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we all need a little grumpiness in life. and cheese. lots and lots of cheese.



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