66 Tasting Notes
What can I say? It’s Sleepytime. This was the first non-sweet tea I drank (at a friend’s house, served by her hippie mom) and it has stuck with me all these years. The chamomile and spearmint flavors are most pronounced, but like other people have said, it’s not so much the flavor, it’s the comfort-food aspect of it. If I really want tea to comfort me, this is what I go for. I actually have a box at home and a box at work—the only tea I do that with.
The jasmine smell was almost overpowering when this first came, but has calmed down since then (but not disappeared, which I was afraid of because it’s SUCH a gorgeous smell!). I totally agree that the jasmine doesn’t drown out the tea; it’s very balanced, though certainly if you don’t like jasmine this isn’t the tea for you. I’ve enjoyed this several times; a second infusion is tasty but has less flavor/more wateriness. I’m wondering if this would be good iced…
I don’t tend to buy much at Teavana, but Lemon Lime Kampai blended with Blueberry Bliss was on sample and it tasted wonderful, so I bought some of the blend. Fruity fruity fruity! Rooibos is not my very favorite thing, but it’s not a strong presence in this tea, compared to the fruit flavors. The sample had their rock sugar in it, but regular sugar is good too. Refreshing and fruity. I think I’ll try it iced this summer.
I really like this one for sheer drinkability. If I don’t know what kind of tea I want, I want this one. The bergamot flavor is strong but not overpowering; the mint is there but not too strong. I bought this in the little cheesecloth tea bags, in Paris at the PdT store on Rue du Cherche-Midi, which I just stumbled on while walking home one day during a Paris vacation.
I agree that this is not a strong-tasting tisane. In fact, brewed, you might mistake it for some really pleasant-tasting brownish water. It really doesn’t taste of much, and I couldn’t smell the watermelon in the bag, in the tea, or in the brewed leaves. Honeybush is my friend in general, but this is the only time I’ve tried it green, and, well…maybe green honeybush HAS no flavor? I’m going to try this iced with some sugar next time and see if that brings out the flavor.
On the upside, it doesn’t have any unpleasant aspects.
I agree that this is nothing special, but there is a place in my cabinet for something not expensive, not fancy, but gently flavored and easy to drink. The raspberry is faint; do not oversteep in an effort to get more of it, or you’ll get the astringent “cardboard” flavor one of the other tasters noticed. Definitely steep under 3 min. I did notice that when I put some packets in a “tea basket” with a variety of other choices for a gathering at my house, this is the one people went for most; I think white tea and raspberry are just two things with wide appeal.