1120 Tasting Notes


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drank Wild Sweet Orange by Tazo
1120 tasting notes

I’m honestly rather surprised at how poor the reviews for this are! Yes, it does taste like fake orange flavoring (hot kool-aid, maybe) and yes, using licorice was a poor choice (the aftertaste is unpleasant and doesn’t work with the rest of the flavors), but as far as similar fruity bagged tisanes go, it’s probably the best I’ve had. Love that the flavor is fairly strong, love the tartness, it’s probably the closest I’ve ever gotten to drinking liquid candy without adding anything to sweeten.

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Hmm, I guess I haven’t reviewed this yet. Okay!

I am not an earl grey person at all because I really don’t like bergamot and I imagine this is why I don’t like this tea very much. I decided to give it a try because I thought the unusual combo of flavors would be different enough to possibly change my mind, but unfortunately that was not the case. I am coming to appreciate black tea and rooibos combinations since you get the flavor of black tea with less caffeine, but I’m just not into whatever they did with the chocolate and berries. Honestly, it doesn’t taste like chocolate or berries or earl grey, it just tastes… weird. I can’t figure out what it reminds me of. Not undrinkable, but weird and mildly unpleasant.

Another downside worth mentioning is that there is very little leaf in each bag. I have to use two in all but the smallest of mugs.

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drank Jasmine Tea by Fujian Tea
1120 tasting notes

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drank Ripe For Romance by Adagio Teas
1120 tasting notes

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drank African Rooibos by Twinings
1120 tasting notes

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So refreshing! There’s a clear lemon taste and a fruity sweetness that I’m sure is the honeydew, but it doesn’t overwhelm (nor is it overwhelmed by) the sencha. I want to get more and try this iced!

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• green teas
• floral notes of all kinds
• dessert teas

• licorice
• heavy spice

Quick summary of ratings:

90s: Outstanding, definite rebuy
80s: Very good, doesn’t blow me away
70s: Good, but some type of flaw
60s: All right, worth a taste
50s: Not so great, but drinkable
40s and below: Various levels of dislike to hate. It just depends on how gross I think it is.



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