Talk about polarizing views of this blend. But nothing stops me from trying a green rooibos. As expected, I cold brewed this for a good eighteen hours.

The liquor is a pale melon orange and smells of classic David’s peach/mango note.

Surprisingly, the papaya shows up in the flavour. I’m not even a huge fan of the stuff, but I like it here. It offers a fresh perspective on tropical teas since I far too often always pick up on the peach/mango and that’s it. And as for that, the flavours sway back and forth between peach and mango, which is a start since I find that most mango-flavoured things are basically just peach. For example, has anyone tried mango-flavoured yogurt? Total cop-out. The real dried mango must make a difference here.

I also appreciate that this isn’t overwhelmingly sweet like a lot of their other past and present mango blends. Would I repurchase, though? Eh, maybe, if I’m absolutely bored of all the other ones I cold brew and feel like papaya again.

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