I bought 10g of this today…
I can really smell the mushroom as it steeps and my poor gag-reflex is working over time, but I will prevail! I will taste this! and worst comes to worst I know a co-worker who would kick ass for what is left of this bag. So blessedly I am not worried about waste!
I think I may have over steeped this, by accident… The flavour is such a “superman punch” to the face I almost lost some teeth on impact! That being said….: I LIKEY!! I think I just might have to add this one to my list of blacks that are must have on shelves!!
It is good and defiantly a “treat” tea since it is only a once a year thing.
Ha! Not a “Superman punch” to the face!
I am hoping tomorrow morning that I will not forget this tea and will stop steeping it at the suggested 3 minutes.