I appreciate the samples sent by Tea from Taiwan. They arrived pretty quickly. Our postman required a signature, which also happened the first few times we received tea from Teavivre, but not any longer. Anyway, I prepared this Gongfu style, rinsing first, then steeping the whole 7 gm sample in my Gaiwan for 25s,35s,45s, 90s, 120s x 2. It has a pleasing gentle scent and is the color of honey. My husband, who drinks tea unsweetened and enjoys oolongs a lot,thought it was very nice from the start. I sweeten my tea and needed the longer steep times to fully appreciate this tea. I found the warm honey notes to be very pleasing and also picked up on a bit of a toasty flavor in later steepings. We stopped at 6 or 7 infusions, though I think it may have been possible to get more because there was plenty of flavor in the last cup. The Tea from Taiwan website gives detailed instructions about brewing oolongs Gongfu style-I did not see this information until after we had made the tea, but fortunately, we had been pretty close to their recommendations