Yet another tea from MissB. I did ask her for any Fauchon teas I hadn’t tried, and this was one. I had a cup of it hot yesterday and realized that I don’t care for hot flavored green teas anymore (except for my rose dragonwell). So I decided to take this one and the rest of the greens she sent me home to cold brew, because I do actually prefer cold brew flavored green tea to black these days!
And I did vastly prefer it as a cold brew. I actually had no idea what the flavors in this were supposed to be, and what I came up with was violet and some others. Apparently it’s citrus and lavender? Wrong purple flower. Well I don’t taste the lavender (fine for me!) and I do get some fruity notes that could be citrus. Overall it was more one those inscrutible french blends that’s impossible to pull apart, but works well together. All in all, yum.