I definitely jumped on the chance to get some free samples from Fong Mong Tea, especially after early reviews for their teas were coming back really positive. I asked for this one in order to further my education of black teas! I’ve never had a black tea from Taiwan. The leaves are very long and spindly and difficult to dish out, but hopefully I got the right amount in my cup. They smell kind of chocolatey, but also kind of roasted and they remind me a bit of a dark oolong in aroma.
After steeping the scent is fairly different from the black teas I’ve been drinking regularly. Almost floral? It’s kind of weird, but I think it’s just cause I’m not used to a black tea smelling floral. What a unique tea! It’s like I can taste more standard black tea flavors underneath it, but over top there is a flavor profile I am just not used to. I agree that I get the sensation of mint without actual mintiness. The chocolatey-ness comes out, but there are some… florals? I guess? It’s hard to put my finger on. Maybe piney and minerally, the way some dark oolongs are piney and minerally. Maybe a bit resin-y, like a retisna wine. I think I might have used a little much leaf as this cup has the tiniest hint of bitterness to it, mostly in the aftertaste.
I reall appreciate the chance to try this tea, thank you Fong Mong! It isn’t a flavor profile I normally go for but I am definitely enjoying the cup.
It must be something in the soil or trees or I don’t know… that is giving this mint coolness illusion in these tea’s…so interesting.
I’ve had that cooling sensation in an oolong before but not a black tea. I’ll have to check this one out! Unfortunately, I was one day too late for the free samples. :(
Wow, it seems their shipping is really fast.
It must be something in the soil or trees or I don’t know… that is giving this mint coolness illusion in these tea’s…so interesting.
I’ve had that cooling sensation in an oolong before but not a black tea. I’ll have to check this one out! Unfortunately, I was one day too late for the free samples. :(
Yes it’s very oolongy for a black tea!