Temple Road Tea’s from Taiwan send me this 10gram Roasted Oolong as a sample in order to make a review here on steepster. I would like to thank them to give me the opportunity to try this tea.
Oolongs are a type off tea that is usually a hit or mis with me, i usually drink light greener oolongs tough tis should be a darker one. The instructions that came with the sample are clear, divide the sample into 3 equal parts and make a 6min infusion. 6min is a long time in my opinion but i followed the instructions.
The dry leafs where dark green rolled in tiny balls. Upon infusion they unfurl to rather large leafs. The downside is that i’m not really getting all the aroma’s from te steeping in my nose because i got a bit of a cold… But as far that i can tell the smell reminds me of Big Red robe, and the color of the steep is somewhat familiar to it.
Taste wise i’m getting the roasted notes in my mouth with the first few sips, perhaps a bit smoked like in the description.Its strong but not overwhelming, i was expecting a bitter brew because there was such a long steep time involved. Its surprisingly fresh and delicious.
Gonna try to get 3 steeps out of this tea, will make a new note later today with the evolution in taste over the different steeps.
Have to say i’m looking forward to receive more samples from tis company.
Hi darky, Max here. Thanks for taking the time to review the Tiger Monk. As a token of our appreciation we’d like to send a little treat you way. This one should be right up your alley judging by your review. Look for an email from us in the next 24 to 48 hours for the details. Cheers and take care!
A New Tea Is Out! You’ll receive a free 10g sample of the Crane Monk Light Oolong Premium Tea for previously reviewing the Tiger Monk. Simply send an email to contact@templeroadtea.com to help us link your Steepster user name to your Temple Road subscribing member email address. Also, feel free to take advantage of our 50% discount offer, go to www.templeroadtea.com. Thank you!
Hi darky, Max here. Thanks for taking the time to review the Tiger Monk. As a token of our appreciation we’d like to send a little treat you way. This one should be right up your alley judging by your review. Look for an email from us in the next 24 to 48 hours for the details. Cheers and take care!
wow Max, u surprise me a lot! Thanks for surprising me :) U still got my email?
I’m sorry, we’re experiencing some delays. Rest assured you’ll hear from us soon!
A New Tea Is Out! You’ll receive a free 10g sample of the Crane Monk Light Oolong Premium Tea for previously reviewing the Tiger Monk. Simply send an email to contact@templeroadtea.com to help us link your Steepster user name to your Temple Road subscribing member email address. Also, feel free to take advantage of our 50% discount offer, go to www.templeroadtea.com. Thank you!
received it today, really fast delivery! Will make a review somewhere in next weekend got some more time then :)