Backlog from yesterday.
Another tea from Dex! I wasn’t too sure about the steeping parameters, so I used 1 tsp per cup with 100C water for about 5 minutes. However, since the leaf was very fluffy, it’s possible I underleafed.
Speaking of that, the dry leaf here is lovely – consistently golden, curly little buds with a some down on top.
I was expecting the usual sweet potato profile for a yunnan on this, but what I got surprised me.
It tasted like pepper! Like freshly ground black pepper!
This wasn’t unpleasant once I got used to it, but it certainly threw me for a loop at first! The liquor itself was a nice medium gold colour, and there was no astringency that I could sense….but…pepper! I’ve never gotten such a taste sensation from a tea before that didn’t have chai spices in it.
Flavors: Peppercorn
Cool! I haven’t tried this one. It sounds neat.
sounds good!