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First steep, second steep
I tasted a sunny knoll
Yay first try sencha
I’d never tried a sencha tea before. I tend to over-steep and/or scald green tea. (It is not my forte.) I paid close attention to time on this one, though, and was deliciously surprised at the mild grassiness. It wasn’t bitter or really astringent, even on the second steep. Yay!
Flavors: Grass
Boiled veggie water
I wonder-did I steep too long?
First try darjeeling.
I wonder if I steeped this too long. The Internet says darjeelings are a light color. While this is light compared to a black tea, it is still fairly dark. It kinda tastes like boiled asparagus water with an…astringent aftertaste that fades to a nice vegital one that I don’t mind sitting in my mouth. So, it’s not nice to drink (and that may be due to oversteeping), but I enjoy having drank it.
Flavors: Astringent, Vegetal
I had to buy this tea just because the name of this tea is absolutely ridiculous. It comes from Finnish teenager slang which none self-respecting teen uses anymore. Literally IHQ means “lovely”, “super cool” or something like that.
As it was instructed in the package, I let the tea leaves steep for a bit over four minutes. The scent of marshmallows was absolutely lovely while the tea was stewing.
As I tasted IHQ, I was pleasantly surprised. I expected a way too sweet, artificial taste, but the taste was mild but still easily distinguishable. Even though it tasted great, IHQ is too bland for my liking. There were just notes of vanilla and marshmallows, nothing else. I like my tea as a complicated mix of different flavours, not as just one flavour.
6 weeks of struggling to walk with this slipped disc in my back and I finally started to get better until this morning when my back went crack and now I’m stuck hobbling around. Hopefully it will be well by tomorrow because I have work to do. Sods law I suppose.
Another tea bag cleared from my shelf. I’m running out of space and could do with drinking as many samples as I can to make room.
Once steeped this tea is dark brown in colour with a sweet tropical fruit scent. Hard to pick anything out particularly but out of the three (apricot, pineapple and passion fruit) I would say the apricot is the strongest and most recognisable…even if it is artificial.
Flavour is quite mellow for the black tea base and the fruit is sweet enough to not need additional sweetener. The fruit tastes candied and too unnatural for my personal liking but it’s not the worst I’ve had. Half way down the cup the black tea becomes stronger, it could also be as the tea cools down.
Not something I could drink much of as it’s just too sweet and artificial but it was ok.
Sod’s law: is that the same as Murphy’s law?
Sorry to hear you’re in pain! You’re too young for that!
Sending mojo your way!
I just had to do a quick Google search for Murphy’s Law but yes Sods Law is the same thing but a British version of it. :)
Also thank you for the mojo, I could really do with some positive energy and healing right now. It’s funny how often I take small things like being able to walk or bend over for granted.
It’s 10:11pm so this will be my last tea for tonight. A little late I know but I have insomnia anyway so it won’t really make any difference. I did get a new v neck pillow which has been helping with the slipped disc in my back and also makes me sleep like a newborn kitten on occasion. You know you’re getting old when a new pillow helps your back pain. :/
This tea is quite mellow considering it’s black base and dark brown colour. It’s gently sweet with notes of strawberry and lemon in a sweet and sour affair but the overall flavours are very mild. It tastes artificial but the lightness helps to try and get passed that. In fact it’s so sweet that I don’t need to add any sugar/sweetener. I bet this would have made a nice subtle iced tea. :)
Taken with no sugar and no milk, this is a rather poor blend with unpleasant artificial (?) flavorings. However, add a teaspoon or two of sugar and enough milk, and the taste will change dramatically into something very artificial, very bubblegum-like, and extremely enjoyable! A cheery rainy day, indeed. I’ve found the same scheme works wonders for some other Nordqvist teas, particularly Faithful Friend and Tiger’s Daydream. Not an everyday tea, but a very nice oddball sort of tea to have on your shelf.
(Unfortunately, I only have this in teabags. Couldn’t find the loose leaf version, even in Finland!)
Good basic black tea for the rainy mornings. The company recommends two minute steeps, but it does also taste good even after forgetting the bag in the cup for five minutes. With the accidental long steeps the added flavours give more space for the black tea base which pushes through, although with a sliver of astrigency that could also be due to the added quince. Rich and smooth on tongue.
Lovely specimen, which works in both bag and loose form. A delightfully compatible rival for the Lady Grey as an everyday work tea.
I didn’t feel like going to my first class today. It’s such a waste of time. I can’t understand the professor, she puts the slideshows online, and if she has a quiz, it’s extra credit. What is that. Plus I got not one, but two calls this morning, waking me up, and neither were of any use to me, so of course now I am freaking out that my stupid typo on my resume has royally screwed me forever.
Oh and I didn’t even want this tea. I thought the blueberry muffin flavor would have the blue wrapper. It’s purple. I guess that makes sense since we are talking about muffins. And of course I didn’t notice until it was already steeping.
I got the whole set of these white teas from someone in Finland in exchange for some bagged teas from a company in Atlanta that of course went under. This one is probably my least favorite, but that’s because to me, aloe is for when I have ended up with a sunburn. So I cannot help but feel like I am drinking something to soothe my sunburn.
But the flavors are spot on for a bagged tea. It’s one of the most grapefruit tasting teas I’ve had. I so prefer the blueberry muffin one though.
Also heads up to anyone who needs/wants tins, The Container Store sells 4 oz ones for $1.29 each, and if you sign up for their emails you get a 10% off coupon, dropping them to $1.16. I ordered 5 for all the matchas I have and I’ll definitely pick up more later! I don’t know why it took me so long to look and see if they had tins like that at a good price.
Don’t worry too much about your resume. I found a formatting error on the one I used for the job I just got hired for. If you’re awesome (and you are) one small mistake shouldn’t negate all your chances. Just fix it up for next time. :) I personally believe connections are more important than resumes. Sadly, that seems to be how the world works.
Thank you, a friend who hires for Starbucks said for a retail job she would overlook one typo so hopefully most other places are like that. Everyone just has to keep reassuring me. I hate that but I want to have a job badly! And I so know what you mean about that…my specific school has so many networking events compared to job fairs and the like.
This is like, my favorite bagged tea. I love these flavored whites Nordqvist makes so much that when I finally run out again I am going to find someone in Finland to hook me up again.
This one seriously tastes like a blueberry muffin. It has everything. It’s kind of amazing, because it really has this aftertaste that is exactly like a muffin. And the blueberry tastes pretty good too.
Of course it’s so highly flavored it’s kind of tough to taste the white tea, but I wasn’t drinking this for the white tea. I was drinking it because it’s blueberry muffin.
Another one off single tea bag to try. I do like the Nordqvist tea bag sachets as they are usually covered with pretty and bright floral patterns, this one is a mixture of light and medium green colours over the top of each other to make flowers. :)
On the back of the sachet it stated to use boiling water (which I found odd for a green tea) and to steep for two minutes and that is precisely what I have done.
Colour: Yellow
Smell: Green tea but with sweet elements, almost like sugar
Taste: Similar to the smell, it’s green tea with sweet tones that taste somewhat vanilla(ry). Despite the high water temperature I don’t detect any real bitterness of the green tea so it’s possible that the sweet flavours mask it out. I can’t taste the strawberry or the lemon, they just taste like generic sweet, sugar…almost like sweets but without the flavour.
This might be the sort of thing that a young child or teenager would like as an introduction to green tea but for an old hand at green’s it’s nothing special. I would prefer a natural unflavoured cup rather than this sweet one. Still it’s not disgusting and I will be fine to finish this cup but overall it’s disappointing.
Bagged Bonanza Tea #3 for today!
Special Thanks to Amanda for this one!
My Norwegian surely needs to be improved. I have looked into Rosetta Stone but as of last year they didn’t offer Norwegian. I really want to learn more. The only bit I know is from my relatives from their parents and a few online buddies. I know that Nordqvist Tea is out of Finland and some of the Finnish Words are close to Norwegian Words…so I could read the words “Valkoinen Greippi Aloe” or "Vitt Grapefrukt Aloe: Vitt te med naturligt aromer fran aloe vera och grapefrukt which I guess translates to "White Tea Grapefruit Aloe: White Tea, Aloe Vera and Grapefruit Flavouring. INTERESTING.
This certainly SMELLS more like Aloe than Grapefruit. It TASTES like a nice and mellow combo of all three – White Tea, Aloe, Grapefruit. With these quiet hints of flavors combined it gives it a more herbally taste or maybe even floral even.
I appreciate the different ingredients and flavor combo’s here…it’s different and you know I like that. This is a nice yet subtly flavored white tea in a bag…a rare find…but I am enjoying it quite a bit!
This is one of the most different sounding tea’s I’ve read about in a looonggg time. Happy new last name!
Actually, your quote there is Swedish. Swedish is taught in schools in Finland. It’s the second official language there, although not the primary. Norwegian (and Swedish and Danish) are North Germanic languages, while Finnish is a Uralic language so they don’t share a root at all.
Norwegian, Swedish and Danish, however, are very closely related. About a third of Danish words are the same in Swedish and Norwegian looks a lot like Danish but with spelling errors. :) As a Danish person, I’m capable of reading either, although I’ve never learned them formally. Icelandic and Faeroese are similarly close to each other, I believe, and they are very close to the way the Scandinavian languages were spoken a 1000 years ago. An Icelandic person can read and understand the Eddas as they were written back then, although with some effort. :)
Chosen at random after having an awful day.
It states to steep for 2 minutes with boiling water on the back of the tea’s sachet.
The smell is sweet and reminds me of children’s flavoured medicine.
The colour is dark and looks like coffee (without creamer).
It tastes like it smells… like a children’s flavoured medicine. You can taste pineapple but it’s very sweet and overall it’s not very flavoursome. The more I drink the less I like it…. Honestly all I can taste is medicine… or perhaps a child’s toothpaste. The fruit’s do not taste natural. Just as well I only had one tea bag of this to try.
Well it goes well with my day, crappy day crappy cup of tea.
I selected this to drink whilst watching Star Trek (2009). I love this film and wanted something daring and different to drink (while secretly pretending it is an alien liquid…sshh). Not only does this tea sound awesome but I imagine that it will have an interesting flavour due to the ingredients.
The back of the tea sachet said to steep for 2 minutes with boiling water.
Colour: Watery red, exactly how you would imagine a strawberry tea to look like (I imagine in this case it is down to the elderberry).
Smell: Sweet with tones of honey and fruit.
Taste: All the tea’s I seem to be drinking recently have been sweet and this is no exception. Light and airy like your usual fruit tea but grounded with the black tea. The honey is so delicious and in my opinion is the strongest flavour in this tea. Very nice, I could drink this all day.
So to sum everything up this tea smells and tastes like sweet honey with an after taste of a very subtle berry. Not much notice of the quince but that does not matter to me. You wouldn’t need it.
This was my one and only tea bag of this :( Must make a mental note to try and buy more.
This morning needs a good start to the day so my first cup is this Darjeeling. I am house and dog sitting for my parents as they are visiting my Grandad in Wales a few days before his heart operation.
The instructions on the back of the tea bag’s sleeve states to steep for 2 minutes with boiling water.
Colour: Apple Cider
Smell: Floral with a hint of dryness
Taste: Very light with hints of floralness and a rather bitter. I would say this is roughly average for instant Darjeeling but I don’t really think it tastes that much like a Darjeeling. It seems to have something else to it.
At the very most it’s a cup of relaxing tea but next time I will have milk and perhaps even a sugar to take away the very bitter taste which lingers afterwards. I would also not drink this if I wanted Darjeeling. Average for a black tea though.
As it snowed (and rained) here last night and as I am nervously awaiting the arrival of my new sofa I felt that in order to cheer myself up I would try a new tea that I only had one bag of (as it was given to me by a friend from Finland).
The instructions on the back of the tea bags pouch say to steep for 2 minutes and use boiling water.
Colour: Very dark and coffee-like, or soy sauce if you prefer.
Smell: Floral and fragrant, the berries (which is strawberry and raspberry in this case) are very notable but to be honest hard to decipher as to which berries they are. Had I not known I would not have been able to tell you more. Very sweet smelling non the less and very fruity.
Taste: Very, very sweet on the tongue that continues with the after-taste. Pineapple is noticeable which gives sweetness but also a slight twangy bitterness which I suppose is to stop it from being altogether overly sweet. I do like that this tea uses some black tea as I think that without that slight darkness in taste it would be far too light and fruity. I cannot taste the cherry personally but that does not stop this tea from being as lovely as it is.
It really does have the feeling of being a happy and cheerful tea, it’s easy to drink and is a pleasure to smell. I may have to buy some of this in the future.
Thumbs up
I love this entire set of white Nordqvist teas. When I don’t want to make loose leaf tea, I can just pop a bag in a mug, and set my Keurig to run some plain water in there. And considering how fast I can down a mug of this stuff, I wouldn’t want to spend so much time on it! This is a very light, lovely pear flavored tea. There’s a bit of other flavors in there, just to give it an extra bit of fruity flavor.
I would move to Finland to have more of this tea all the time.