Miro Tea

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drank Lapsang Souchong by Miro Tea
2438 tasting notes

TTB sample! At first, I found the level of smoke/meatiness to be okay, though it built to be too much after a while. This one is definitely strong if you like that sort of thing.

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drank Jasmine Monkey by Miro Tea
1191 tasting notes

Day 5 of my Steepster homemade advent calendar from Kelmishka and another new-to-me tea company. I love jasmine tea, so I’m really happy that this was in the calendar! It’s a nice jasmine too – light and floral and delicately sweet, without tasting at all cloying or artificial or perfumey. I did the first steep at 180f for three minutes and the second at 180f for seven (I lost track of time a little bit, unfortunately, but even with the longer steep it didn’t get dry or bitter). I’m thinking I might still be able to tease out a third steep with a higher temp/long brew time. This would probably make a delicious cold brew too.

Flavors: Jasmine, Sweet

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I brewed this tea Gong Fu as I do for most teas.
The steamed leaves have a sickly sweet aroma typical of young sheng pu’erhs with interesting legume and honey notes. When washed, an aroma of sweetgrass and hay reveals itself.
The tea liquor has a flavor similar to the aroma of the leaves: with notes of hay, honey, and sweet pea

Flavors: Grass, Hay, Honey, Peas, Soybean

180 °F / 82 °C 0 min, 15 sec 5 g 4 OZ / 120 ML

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drank Hhojicha by Miro Tea
2 tasting notes

A nice toasty tea. Great tea flavor without the high tea content. Perfect for drinking before bed.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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drank Chocolate Bar Puer by Miro Tea
33 tasting notes

I’ve had this one twice (?) now, and am still trying to decide what to think about it. It’s pleasant enough, but doesn’t have a whole lot of depth. Got it because I wanted tea while traveling and was intrigued by the little squares its divided into – breaking off a square seemed like a tidy and unobtrusive way to enjoy puerh at work (I work in a lab, so my tea set up is fairly minimalist so I can grab a cup between experiments). Takes a while for the squares to break up on their own, so if you don’t have a way to manually help it along, the first few cups are fairly light. Sort of nondescript woody flavor with some chocolate undertones and some brown sugar sweetness. There’s nothing offensive about it, but also nothing that really excites me either. Serves its purpose, but probably wouldn’t go out of my way to acquire more.

Flavors: Brown Sugar, Chocolate, Wood


Pardon me, I’m curious what your lab is studying. In a previous life I wore the hat of a research entomologist of sorts, a student of ecology and conservation. Public info so I understand if you are uncomfortable sharing.


Entomology, interesting! I’ve wandered into ecology from time to time, but turns out I enjoy tinkering a little too much…I’m working in a structural biology lab, focusing on viruses. Lots of biochemistry and taking tiny things apart to see how they work.


That’s awesome. Viruses are fascinating and something I considered studying many years ago but I moved away from them for whatever reason. Thanks for sharing :)

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drank Big Red Robe 2 by Miro Tea
61 tasting notes

Miro Tea does an admirable job of bringing a lot of diverse selection to their tea room; although I might not buy my dry leaf from them directly, I feel like I’m stealing tea when I get a whole pot of quality oolong like this for $6.50. Meanwhile other Seattlelites meander outside with their $8 venti cups of ice. Sorry, is that my budding tea snob showing? Feel free to bean me with Bigelow.

They may have brewed this a little light for me, and I can’t compare it to their BRR #1 (I assume one exists, although I didn’t see it on their current list.) However it met all expectations of delicious, robust malt and smoke flavors. Without being “barbecue tea.” BRR generally quickly becoming my favorite winter breakfast tea.

Flavors: Malt, Raisins, Smoke

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drank RaJini Blend by Miro Tea
49 tasting notes

Oh no! My last cup of RaJini! I think I might have to make a trip to the tea store! Lovely lovely tea!

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drank RaJini Blend by Miro Tea
49 tasting notes

Friday — a rainy dreary Friday. That requires a lovely tea. With caffeine. OM NOM NOM.

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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drank RaJini Blend by Miro Tea
49 tasting notes

Time for my Monday cuppa black tea! Stared at my work tea cupboard for a while and decided on this one. Letting it steep longer this time. I added cream & it seems to be overpowering the tea flavor which is fairly delicate, or maybe it’s just that I need something to bonk me over the head on this particular Monday. This will do for now. Perhaps it will lend me the subtlety that the day seems to be lacking so far…

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drank RaJini Blend by Miro Tea
49 tasting notes

Not sure what’s all in this. It’s very floral, black tea with rose petals, little blue flowers (lavender-ish looking), there’s some sort of flavoring, but it’s been so long since I drank a big variety of tea on a regular basis for me to accurately place. Reading their menu (at mirotea.com), it looks almost like it could be the Birthday Tea, but seems not to be. ? Regardless, for a floral somewhat fruity tea, it’s very pleasant. My brother bought me an ounce of this, I see no problem finishing it off. Am excited to learn of this tea cafe & looking forward to exploring more of the teas they have available! It looks like they have some good ones. And they seal their teas nicely in reusable foil bags, similar to coffee bags, but with a good tight zip lock. I like to buy smaller amounts more frequently (this is a one ounce bag), so I’m not too concerned that it’ll get stale before I finish it. It’s better than some other options I’ve seen. Nom!

Boiling 2 min, 30 sec

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drank Longan Black by Miro Tea
56 tasting notes

This tea from Miro definitely has a strong longan flavor. It’s pretty bitter and astringent, although if you’d like it sweeter, it goes well with honey. An interesting fruit flavored tea that you don’t see very often. Definitely worth trying to see if you like it.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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Oh man, I’ve severely depleted a 1 oz bag of this stuff in a matter of a couple days. It is really mild with a bright, lemony aroma that doesn’t make me feel like I’m drinking household cleaner.

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I really like taking this tea to work in my portable French press. I’ve found that even if I get distracted and let the leaves sit in there for too long or let the tea get cool, it never gets bitter or overwhelming.

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drank Cin Gin Mate by Miro Tea
56 tasting notes

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drank Cin Gin Mate by Miro Tea
56 tasting notes

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drank Cin Gin Mate by Miro Tea
56 tasting notes

This tea from Miro Tea in Seattle is one of my favorites. It has nice big pieces of ginger and cinnamon and brews up with a pleasant scent and taste of ginger. The cinnamon’s not overpowering in an artificial way like in some cinnamon teas. I’ll probably buy more next time I’m in that neighborhood.

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