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drank Comforting by Aveda
16 tasting notes

I’m currently drinking the homemade version of this, seeing as I refuse to spend 26 dollars on 5 dollars worth of ingredients. Four ingredients to be exact. I keep sipping on this and it is a bizarre experience, possibly because this is the first tea with a high content of mint that I’ve tried. Its kind of herb-y when its in the mouth, but once you swallow then the sweetness really kicks it and your mouth gets a cooling sensation. Mmmmmm, so glad I ran into the recipe for this. Its yummy and very calming and soothing. Maybe I should add some chamomile or lavender and see what that turns out like. But for now this is delicious.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

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drank Comforting by Aveda
98 tasting notes

What got me started drinking tea. Before this, I thought all teas smelled pretty and tasted like hot water (but nice-scented water!). I always went for fruity teas and came away disappointed because I unconsciously expected them to taste like fruit juice. I love this tea—straight mint teas I don’t like the taste of, but the licorice root (as well as the warm spicy notes of basil and fennel) rounds out the light minty taste in an amazing way. I originally bought a jar of this for $24 (Aveda is expensive!), then, when I finished it, I found the ratios of the four ingredients online and mixed it myself with herbs from the co-op. It tasted even better and fresher and only cost $3 to refill the whole jar. Woo! This is a perennial favorite.

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec

Please share the ratios!


here we go:
1 1/4 cup licorice root
1 cup peppermint leaves
1/8 cup basil leaves
1/8 cup fennel

That’s it! Enjoy :)


I think I have all of that….(don’t ask)!


I know all about it—I have a bag of cayenne pepper in my pantry.

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drank Comforting by Aveda
7 tasting notes

Edited via more words, not different… I know it’s long, but hey, you can save $15+ and even EFFORT just reading this tasting note… er more like tasting novella.

My review pretty much would read like Jason’s except that I’m anxious to get back to Cloud Atlas… what made me come here is that I ordered, from the God of Tea Purveyors (seriously, only someone with special holy powers can have 666 teas on his regular holding list plus another several dozen only available in-store or if-you-ask!!), the licorice root to make this—I have plenty of mint—loose, as tea, etc—and have 2oz, which btw, is like effin HUGE dried (literally a foot tall, 2" diameter bottle here) blissful but too much to use in food container of sweet basil, a pretty useless-otherwise bottle of fennel seed (just not something I am crazy about too terribly often and grinding is a PAIN for that stubborn one)… and yeah, bought 2oz licorice root, which is right at a cup, for a few bucks and voila… my try at Aveda tea.

YES I have had the real deal. Like I said, Jason’s review is pretty spot-on for what I think, as are the other snarky ones :) I dislike licorice when it’s the candy taste (isn’t that a diff part though?) but this… this is the licorice that occasionally makes teas loverly and occasionally makes them just odd. I steeped it SUPER STRONG for my home concoction, and yknow, it’s awesome, just… mmm. I’m really glad for something sweet that needs no sweetener. As for how I did it… oh, that. Well, in my masterful mug professing my super expensive education, I put a bag of Moroccan mint Numi tea (Stash seems way too harsh and my loose mint is on the old and pathetic side thanks to getting lost for months)… why bagged? Simple—my thought was “the mint will steep quick and could overpower” and in fact I DID take the mint out at 8mins (double size cup, 1 mint bag to be clear) while the rest got 12 (super strong—a bit darker than theirs but exact flavor match)… the fennel, while the water was heating in the Ibis, was chopped in half (seeds, that is, cheap McCormick seeds I got for 50c and got for the intrigue but more for the great quality bottle since I grind my own spices for teas often)… so yeah, my cutting board kept the powdery remnants and the seed halves and some wholes went in. The basil weighs SO little that basically its amount was… well, about the same as the fennel’s, but it’s definitely, considering the 1.6oz fennel bottle is tiny and the Spice Islands Sweet Basil is the restaurant size sold at (shameface)bigdollarbuybigsizestores… yeah, equal parts in terms of SIZE… now the mint bag… weight is tricky there, too—it’s light, but there’s a LOT in the Numi bag, and b/c mint goes stale fast when not individually bagged, even in the Rx bottle with UV protectant they use, well, I figured that one strong but not “whoa PNW mint, cough Halls drops taste cough” strong bag was fine. The licorice was um well just… I eyed it. Oh that sounds awful, huh, but really, I looked and sort of thought "if this beast is 2oz of basil and THAT McC jar is almost 2oz of fennel and this bag is 2oz of loose licorice and a box of 18 bags is almost 2oz of mint… let’s go for 40%licorice root, 30% mint but steeped less cause roots take longer than leaves, and 15% each fennel seed-partly halved in my sloppy haste—and 15% Spice Islands sweet basil, which is the ONLY sweet basil suited for tea that I can imagine. Literally, you smell it and think, ahhh THAT is what makes that tea aroma, well, that and GOOD QUALITY licorice root, which is like… 70% of the flavor. The fennel being steeped, not mixed with acidic tomatoes and such maybe helps it be tongue-tickling and not so soapy-anise tasting :) Considering I’m not a huge fan of licorice (at all in stuff like Yogi teas!), of fennel, or even of basil in big amounts, I’m pretty proud I managed this successful and CHEAP blend just days after my haircut, that tea grating my nerves with its ridiculous price tag!

EDIT! Yes, yes, here only 20 ounces of cheap-o avedo and a solid few letters (from one person to another, that is, not A, B, C!) in Cloud Atlas later… I RE-experimented. Not satisfied with simply recreating… here’s the deal. Want nuance, do it all or maybe toss the fennel since its impact is sort of redundant… BUT want it to honestly taste 95% like what you had there? Do this: leave out the fennel unless you want a licorice CANDY taste, and honestly, the basil, too, can go (it’s the nuance in the aroma but doesn’t play so prominently in the TASTE, only in the smell, and I know they go together but trust me, me). Steep a cup of mint tea—again, Moroccan Mint numi is perfect for this; it’s the right KIND of mint. Stash is NOT. Stash would kill the delicacy of this. So yeah, steep the mint tea like… 8 minutes. Steep separately a huge cup of LICORICE ROOT tea for… well, 12 mins is good. This way, you can find your perfect proportion if it was, say, too sweet or you are really a mintaphobe (Moroccan mint may change your mind—I hate harsh mint for drinking, but that stuff is SMOOTH like when I was in the Algarve and addicted). The amount of licorice would be about a tablespoon per 6 or 8 ounces, I think, but really, it’s a matter of its quality, which I honestly can’t judge beyond my 2 plays.

What I DID was steep all 4 ingredients in the same proportions as before in SEPARATE GLASSES, identical (yay for sets of 4), with the same le creuset ceramic adora-lid (for some funny named mini-casserole ramekin) on each. Again, set of 4. The licorice water IS the main sweet thing. The basil water is sweet but mostly AROMA so it should be steeped strong or it’ll be lost flavor-wise and be scented water. The mint is good mint, hence me owning it (I have stash strictly for making Afghan/other middle eastern food/yogurt sauces—they were free at a hotel and I hated drinking them but recognized good mint for FOOD or toothpaste!). The fennel, hmm… well… smells like fennel, tastes like licorice but not as strong, just like the pack says “faint licorice flavor” and honestly, I’m done chopping it. I actually, for steep 2, tried TWO ways: the McC fennel and… I got out my good, kosher, vivid and whoa strong smelling organic fennel seed and yeah… just not worth it to me. Basil, maybe, but here’s my thinking: mint tea, 6oz, licorice tea a solid 12, more for you mintaphobes, and that seems the right mix to get it sweet and light without needing sugar. Licorice needs NO sugar—it’s the cloying part mentioned elsewhere. I couldn’t handle it as anything but “stevia schmevia, here’s my REAL alt-sweetener (as long as there is NO high blood pressure, as licorice root ups it, ironic for a relaxing tea), ha!.” Definitely liking the ROOT, which is totally weird… smells like sawdust, brewed smells like wet plywood… and tastes sweet with honestly little BUT the sweet. The mint gives the sweetness flavor, the others adding scent. The fennel quality will matter! The old fennel steeped was just an aroma, like theirs in what I was served, I have figured. New vac-sealed whoa. For the variation in reviews, I have this to say: those who taste the “licorice” the way candy licorice is, you actually taste that fennel and you got a newer jar, less air contact, or maybe their ridiculous tea bags (cmon a dollar a cup??) are wisely individually packed and that’s what you had at the salon. What I had was from the jar—I saw—and yeah, again, 1 part mint tea steeped 8 minutes, 2 parts licorice root tea, steeped 12ish=95% like theirs, and that… is honestly good enough, right? Oh, I was saying something practical: basil is messy. Fennel not too bad but it takes some time as this TRULY needs the whole cup to swirl in, NOT a tea sac, I can’t stress enough with the size of roots, NOT A TEA SAC (I strained the first attempt over a coffee filter, and it was great, but… no need, as licorice root is a BREEZE to just spoon out, mint bags simple. So yeah, making 18-22oz (and it reheats well—mine got cold typing to you fellow tea junkies!!), I can say for sure that for THEIR balance as I had it, you want to have 1 Moroccan mint bag you take out at 8 mins then 2-3 TBSP (it’d be that true “heaping” term b/c it’s so irregular and mostly square-pieced) licorice root you leave in 12 or to taste; I’m gonna retry the supplies from these 2 cups for another and probably NOT report back, thank me very much! Anyway, to start, I’d do them SEPARATELY (and you can concentrate the mint especially, of course, and water down with fresh boiling agua later) I’d test it as you go and once it hits the sweetness YOU want, voila, you’ve found it. If you hate it sweet, you’ll want to lessen the licorice but then you’ll be having more prominent mint. This is basically a 2 core ingredient tea with 2 dispensable things that make it sound more important, add mystery because like me, nobody seems to know a thing about licorice ROOT since everything we’ve had it in has stuff like anise and fennel that make for licorice CANDY flavors (now I get why panda, etc, is considered fake by my adored ones who like the “generic sweet like sugar pills sweet” licorice candy, doh!)…

Enjoy it or not… but yes, licorice as steeped is naturally VERY sweet, so do NOT add sugar til you’ve sipped a few sips and acclimated to the peculiar product of someone’s wild, AvedaLavenderOverloadObsession-charged dreams…

Boiling 8 min or more

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drank Comforting by Aveda
11 tasting notes

trying it iced for the first time. still has that amazing sweetness!

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Comforting by Aveda
11 tasting notes

I love this tea. There I said it. It is quite possibly the naturalist sweetest tasting tea I’ve ever had so far. No sweetener needed. Plus, it doesn’t taste like licorice, which I can’t stand. It also doesn’t taste strictly peppermint, which would be a turn off for me as well. It’s just a nice blend of flavors…very complex. Definitely a dessert tea. If you’re trying to abstain this is a nice substitution and will quell your cravings. Aveda gives out free samples, so go by and try a cuppa.

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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drank Comforting by Aveda
2 tasting notes

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Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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I recently had to go caffine free for roughly just over a month. It was very difficult but I made it through in part due to this wonderful blend that my Spa & Salon happens to serve and sell. It is very expensive but so worth it. It is very calming and soothing. I plan on keeping this apart of my permanent tea collection. Yum!

1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

How did you cope? ;)

RachanaC (Rachel)-iHeartTeas

It was very hard. I had bad headaches for a few days. When my doctor said I could have caffine again I nearly cried.


I can imagine!

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Just finished a relaxing 90 minute couples massage at Lifetime Fitness. It was wonderful and I can say it was the best message I have ever had. As for the tea I was offered a drink of water or tea and of course I picked tea. What an interesting experience. It was very soothing, and had some spices. Not sure I can have it all the time. I just don’t think I can even put this in a tea category. I couldn’t even tell it was black tea. Nevertheless, it tasted pretty good in a weird way.


That would be because there’s no black tea in it.:) It’s an herbal tisane.

RachanaC (Rachel)-iHeartTeas

So very true…I guess I was still in lala land after the massage to remember. :)


HAHA! Massages will do that. I love my Aveda salon (have an appointment next week in fact), but no one can pay me to drink this. Obviously based on the reviews, I’m the odd man out like a lot of teas. But that’s ok.

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drank Comforting by Aveda
115 tasting notes

This is definitely an interesting experience. The aroma gets you a hint of that peppermint/licorice/menthol smell found in lots of more generic herbal teas. It also has an oddly rusty smell, almost as if I were drinking from a metal container (which I am not). It’s not what I expected, but that’s not a bad thing at this point.

The first sip is…unexpected. I was looking for a strong menthol flavor and was instead hit by a overwhelming sweetness. I immediately turned to ask the gf if she put a bunch of sugar in it but was cut off by a cough caused by the sweetness that flowed to the back of my throat. In fact, she didn’t add anything to this and it’s just naturally crazy sweet.

A few more sips and I started to acclimate to the intense sweetness of the tea. Seriously, I can’t understand how they make the tea this sweet, but they do, and they do it well. As someone who likes things on the very sugary to the super sweet side, this is something I could drink often – not as often as a good clean oolong, but maybe even like a semi-consistent dessert tea. Now that I’ve had it I can totally understand why it’s served at a salon/spa.

If you’re open to really sweet teas, this pulls it off and does it without help. If you’re a purist, you’re probably not going to like this one.

Boiling 4 min, 45 sec

JASON LIVES! <3 lol. I find it really funny you rarely post a tasting note and, when you do, it’s this. But glad you like it WAY more than me lol.


Jason I found you a new butt tea. I’ll have to remember to bring it in :D


I have a cup of this tea everytime I get my hair cut (Aveda salon). I’m always surprised at that super sweet kick in the teeth at the end of the sip.


I’m trying to recreate this one since I can’t justify spending so much $$ on a box of tea in bags… I plan on posting my findings. :)

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drank Comforting by Aveda
335 tasting notes

I have never bought anything in Aveda, and I had a coupon for free lotion (it’s from their brithday club). I remember reading about their tea, and I knew I wanted to try some. I just got a sample cup. It’s crazy sweet. I am not a fan of licorice, unless it’s a background, very background flavor. I could taste fennel, which it is enjoyable in some chais. The licorice was too much for me, it’s the first ingredient on the list, so of course there’s going to be a lot! It reminded me a like some natural medicine tonic.

Just wasn’t a fan.


LOVE Aveda… can’t stand this though. I think Aveda is the one place I will NEVER drink tea (even though it’s free at my salon)… I’d rather chug sweet tea… and if you have paid attention here, you know how I feel about that lol.


Yeah, you got to love licorice!

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drank Comforting by Aveda
141 tasting notes

It’s a bit unusual that this tisane is offered by a cosmetics company, but I suppose it fits with the tranquil spa aura their products are intended to evoke.

This is packaged in a large brown glass pharmaceutical looking bottle. Upon opening, you find what appears to be the leavings from a wood shop floor or possibly the material you use at the bottom of a hamster’s cage. It’s very woody and you need to mix the top few inches fairly well to bring up the finer herbs that have settled.

When I prepared this, I used twice the recommended amount because I wanted to be REALLY comforted. The infusion smelled strongly of peppermint overlaying wood and dirt.

All the snarky adjectives aside, this is actually a really good tisane! I was surprised by the intense natural sweetness which is enhanced by the licorice. If you typically sweeten herbals, try this straight up first. There’s a pleasant cooling effect from the mint and the overall combination of herbs truly is calming.

This infusion proves that looks can be deceiving. I really enjoyed this and will keep the big medicinal looking bottle around. (Hidden in the pantry, but it will be used.)

One important note, you MUST like licorice if you’re going to drink this as it’s very “up front.”

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Comforting by Aveda
181 tasting notes

The person I’m staying with during my visit to San Francisco had this tea in her cupboard. The peppermint and herbs give it a unique aroma, and at first sip, interesting is the first word that comes to mind. It leaves you with just a trace of licorice on the insides of your teeth, and the sweetness lingers. For a long time.

In Shanti’s review, she said it tasted like “liquid herbs” and I think that’s the perfect description. I’ve had a similar experience with a rooibos/rosemary-blended tea and in both cases, the sweet finish is nice at first, but by the end of the cup gets cloying. To the point where I can’t finish the entire cup.

It’s definitely worth a try, but in the end, I personally wouldn’t go out of my way to pick up a bottle of this (it comes in a medicinal brown bottle) for my cupboard.

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec

You were involved in creating this site and you haven’t reviewed a tea in a year?? Lol…

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drank Comforting by Aveda
123 tasting notes

To me, this is an incredibly relaxing tea. I was first introduced to it – as were most of its fans, I think – at one of Aveda’s retail stores. You walk in, and the first thing the sales associate does is offer you a cup of this tisane. At the time, I was very unfamiliar with herbal teas, so the sweetness of this really surprised me. I mean, I could recognize the peppermint “tingle” but the other herbs were completely new to me at the time.

This is a great blend for relaxing. The licorice stands out as the dominant flavor, but it is pretty well blended into a sweet, refreshing brew. Not sweet like sugar, but a more natural form of sweetness. Very smooth, very nice.

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drank Comforting by Aveda
80 tasting notes

Love this tea. So glad I found it here. :)

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drank Comforting by Aveda
96 tasting notes

Ah, Aveda tea. If you’ve ever had an appointment at an Aveda salon, you probably have tried this tea. Or, if you’ve tried their Peppymint drops, this tastes like a tea version of those. Now, I don’t like plain peppermint tea, and I don’t like the hibiscus that most companies add to their herbal blends, so this is a great alternative for me. It’s made up of only four ingredients, all of which are organic: licorice root, peppermint leaf, sweet fennel, and basil. Yes, there’s peppermint in there, but I like it. I just don’t like the way peppermint tea tastes by itself, but I like the “cooling” effect it adds to this tea. Licorice root is the primary component (the tea looks like it’s made up of thick chunks of bark). The tea tastes more sweet than like licorice to me—I know it’s the licorice that’s providing the sweetness, but it doesn’t taste like licorice. Ack, this isn’t making much sense…hopefully you get what I mean though. I’m sensitive to sweet and cloying tastes, but I’m fine with this one because it’s the aftertaste that is cooling and sweet, not the tea itself. . The other thing I like about this tea is that it’s hard to oversteep this tea. It never ends up tasting like a cup of liquid herbs (there’s basil and fennel in there, but I can’t taste them). No single note stands out. It just tastes good, and sweet, and refreshing. I’m giving this a high rating because it has never let me down.


That does it. Will head to Aveda in the next few days and pick this up!

I ♥ NewYorkCiTEA

That does sound good, Shanti.

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drank Comforting by Aveda
8 tasting notes

Maybe it’s that I associate this tea with hand massages and haircuts but this tea always takes me to a peaceful, calm place. With artfully matched flavors, this tea is beautifully balanced.


I get free wine @ my Aveda salon:)

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drank Comforting by Aveda
1908 tasting notes


I had a cup of this last night at my aunt’s house – she has quite a nice tea collection aswell. ;)

There as too much sweet licorice root in this tea for my tastes though. It’s a taste that I’m used to associating with medicinal tea so that’s what this tea reminded me of.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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drank Comforting by Aveda
3 tasting notes

I’ve gone through numerous jars of this tea. I’ve enjoyed it after a stressful work day, after dealing with personal chaos, or when I just feel like I need something to balance or refresh my senses. As a fan of Aveda in general, this really does feel like it belongs in their product line. Somehow it captures the same essence that the rest of the brand embodies. This stuff tastes great (not like licorice, even though it does contain it), has a natural sweetness, and is almost impossible to over-steep.

I can actually feel myself starting a serious cold/sore throat but I was been stuck at a friend’s house all day, far from my stash of Aveda tea. I drank a few cups of teas he had on hand but they weren’t doing much to soothe the scratchiness. So… as soon as I returned to my own home this was the first thing I reached for. It’s not a substitute for medicine, but it makes my symptoms a little more bearable.

190 °F / 87 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Comforting by Aveda
2 tasting notes

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drank Comforting by Aveda
3 tasting notes

Goregous…..soothing tea. It is great for stressful times….

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drank Comforting by Aveda
16 tasting notes

Oh, yes, the highlight of the Aveda shopping experience — to soothe the soul and wallet before you schlep them big fat shampoo + conditioner + balms of sorts bottles home.

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drank Comforting by Aveda
28 tasting notes

I guess you can tell just how (in)frequently i get a haircut.

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drank Comforting by Aveda
28 tasting notes

Is this what they offer you at your appt? If so, I love this stuff! Just was there for a haircut and though the smell of Aveda products (or the chair massage) may have contributed to my sudden calm, their tea is just sweet enough & just refreshing enough to make me feel relaxed. Ahhh… :)

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drank Comforting by Aveda
828 tasting notes

backlogging: I had half of a cup of this the other day, and then realized the tea was out of date (like back to 2008). So, it’s out of my cupboard. I wondered why it didn’t taste like the extremely comforting tea I get in the Aveda stores and salons!


Maybe it has to do with the atmosphere? Or maybe they’re slipping a little something in the tea. I’m just sayin’.


haha, so true!

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