drank Thousand Arrows by Shanti Tea
243 tasting notes

Brewed a pot of this today – multiple times – and like my previous Shanti Tea experience, it is very good. Following infusion instructions, I counted out 20 little “arrows” of tea, dropped them in my basket, boiled some water, allowed it to cool for one minute and then poured it over my tea. I let the tea infuse, hot, no additives for three minutes.

The tea is stunning as described, the little arrows unfurled and showed their green and dark red colors, the aroma is light and crisp, but unmistakably oolong. The liquor is pale yellow. The flavor is clean and crisp, it is mild and medium-bodied, the flavor is oolong, yet not typical oolong. It is almost so faint you cannot even tell that it is actually oolong, yet it is light and sweet and crisp.

Infused two more times with similar results – a clean, delicious oolong tea that can be brewed multiple times with perfectly mirrored results.

Overall this, like my other Shanti Tea (Blue Unicorn) are very light and clean though definitely oolong tea. I enjoyed both of these very much, though as described they flavor is faint and not quite what we have come to know as oolong.

3 min, 0 sec
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__Morgana__ 15 years ago

OMG. First unicorn, then arrows. Topiary tea! Cinoi, I had promised myself no more tea until the end of 2010 or until I can actually fit it all into the cabinet space I have available instead of cardboard cartons on the living room floor, and you have just single handedly pushed me over the brink of having to order from this company, dammit. ;-)

Cinoi 15 years ago

Sorry Morgana, I know how you feel, I am also on a “no more tea till 2011” kick (hence why my posts are lacking, I am drinking a lot of what I already have and have to finish up)…but I have a few more from Shanti if you want to wait it out for reviews…

LENA 15 years ago

MUST HAVE! :) I added it to my shopping list! This sounds…and looks so cool!

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__Morgana__ 15 years ago

OMG. First unicorn, then arrows. Topiary tea! Cinoi, I had promised myself no more tea until the end of 2010 or until I can actually fit it all into the cabinet space I have available instead of cardboard cartons on the living room floor, and you have just single handedly pushed me over the brink of having to order from this company, dammit. ;-)

Cinoi 15 years ago

Sorry Morgana, I know how you feel, I am also on a “no more tea till 2011” kick (hence why my posts are lacking, I am drinking a lot of what I already have and have to finish up)…but I have a few more from Shanti if you want to wait it out for reviews…

LENA 15 years ago

MUST HAVE! :) I added it to my shopping list! This sounds…and looks so cool!

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I am a sarcastic perfectionist, a computer nerd, a game geek, an avid reader, a gadget guru, a wine (and tea) enthusiast, and (in my spare time) a chemist.

As I mentioned, I am a chemist, research and development to be exact, so when evaluating tea, it is much like evaluating my products: I will find the flaws and do my very best to fix them because it is what I love to do. Along those lines, nothing is perfect, but can have perfect qualities, I will highlight those also.

I made a preliminary guide to my rating scale:
0-19 – Did not like anything about the tea, feel it cannot be saved without being reformulated.
20-40 – Did not like the tea, it can be saved with extreme amounts of tweaking (i.e., sugar, milk, honey and or blending with another tea)
41-60 – Neutral about the tea, it can be helped or hurt by additives or blends, varied temperatures and steep times
61-70 – Decent tea, needs a little bit of help to get it in the place I like it, but definitely not out of reach
71-80 – Quality tea, liked it, will try again
81-90 – Really enjoyed the tea, high quality, will continue to drink the tea, not looking for something better
91-100 – Loved the tea, will continue to brew and drink and spread the word about the tea to everyone



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