I was concerned about this tea because it is described with “especially tempting” when sugar and milk are added, as if the tea itself needs additions in order to be good. This was not necessarily true. Personally, I do not like adding milk or cream or any form of dairy to flavored teas because I think it interferes with the flavor. I will add some sugar to help sweeten and brighten flavors, but usually not dairy.
That being said: the tea brewed by itself (no milk or sugar and hot) is good, it is a strong black tea flavored with almond and cinnamon. The combination (black tea, almond and cinnamon) can be a little bitter and I see why sugar is suggested, however it was overall decent.
So I tried it with just sugar. This combatted some of the bitter, but it was still there. Unfortunately, I found the sugar addition to also remove some of the almond flavor and then found a strong tea, with slight almond flavor, but predominantly cinnamon.
Finally, I gave-in and tried it with sugar and milk and I have to say it was still decent, however by this point I was getting almond/cinnamon aroma and less taste of the two.
Overall, I do not think that the adding milk and sugar is necessary for drinking this tea. I can see the marketing idea of making it more like a cookie, but I think this is a decent tea by itself, you do not need to fix what is not broken.