I had a yucky morning headache today. Between allergies, the weather, and being a poor/erratic sleeper, I often wake up with a small to moderate headache in the morning that usually goes away with time, caffeine, and food in 20 to 40 min. Some days are headache free, some days are worse or lingering headaches. I could tell this one might be one of those so I took two ibuprofen and a large glass of water. I was also really dry when I woke up too. I knew I should have more water but I needed and wanted tea. A good basic like Ceylon to calm, sooth, and enjoy. I realized this morning that one of my favorite pottery mugs is much larger than I thought it was. I had thought it was only slightly larger than a standard mug but it turns out it was one and a half times as large. Tea turned out just fine though. I wonder why. But not too much. I’ll just go with it since it works.