My TeaFrog order came in today! The package looked like it had been through several wars and was torn in several places (the samples were OK, though don’t worry!) so I have come up with a theory for its lateness that involves a SINGLE POSTMAN transported to a WAR-TORN CANADA IN AN ALTERNATE UNIVERSE determined to return to his reality and DELIVER HIS PACKAGE AT ALL COSTS (Warner Bros: call me).
Obviously I made a beeline straight for the Earl Grey Special because…Earl Grey! Special! AND put back on the “in stock” list JUST FOR ME ( ♥ TeaFrog). The smell is certainly quite distinctive, I’m not sure I would have been able to peg it as an Earl Grey if I didn’t know that that’s what it was. There’s a general lemony, fruitiness about it, but there’s still a bit of the Earl peaking through saying ‘yes, yes I’m here, wot wot.’
This is definitely not your ordinary Earl Grey. I wouldn’t say that the lemon is dominating, but I think that the interaction of the various citrus with the jasmine has created something extremely interesting – definitely something that I could see drinking regularly. I doubt it will replace just straight Earl Grey for me, but it will be great as an Earl Grey alternative (a la Lady Grey, etc.).
Oddly, as the tea cools I get more of a taste of um hm, lemon hard candy? I’m thinking of a specific Polish candy but I don’t think that will help anyone. Lemon drops maybe? I’m not sure that I’ve ever had a lemon drop but it looks right! The moral of this story is: drink this tea while it is hot. It is a fine moral.
I have to say as a final note that I really quite like the base tea here. It is present, but not overwhelming. Very nice.
I love reading your posts! The first paragraph made me crack up, but I could totally envision it and have thought similar things when a package seems to stray!
Agreed on the love of your posts! Between Meghann M’s first roll and your note I’m in pain from teh laughterz!
I love reading your posts! The first paragraph made me crack up, but I could totally envision it and have thought similar things when a package seems to stray!
My only regret…I did not begin it with “In a world…”
Agreed on the love of your posts! Between Meghann M’s first roll and your note I’m in pain from teh laughterz!
That dude who did the “in a world” voice overs died last year, I think.
Well there are other voice actor guys still around, so “in a world” will never truly die. But yes, the greatest of them all, the father of “in the world,” Don LaFontaine died last year or two years ago.