drank Spiced Apple Cider by Teavana
42 tasting notes

I want to hate Teavana. Really, I try. I want to go against the mainstream Starbucks hipsters and rub elbows with the underground tea snob hipsters. But the truth is, Teavana’s tea simply satisfies. So, shoot me.

I love cinnamon… Cinnamon sticks, cinnamon oil, ground cinnamon… It’s kinda my “thang.” I also love hibiscus and fruit in my tea. And I like my tea sweet (sometimes). This tea meets all of my criteria! Potpourri? Maybe. But it sure is some damn good potpourri. I’m in love.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

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My name is Cassie. I’m 27 years old, married to my best friend, and we have 2 cats! I am a professional baker, and I own a bakery with my mom.

I sipped my first cup of “real” loose leaf tea on October 5th, 2013, and I’ve been hooked on it ever since. I love trying new flavors, anything and everything to find out what I like. I’m always looking for suggestions… Where to buy, which to try, steeping methods, tea accessories and gadgets, etc. :)

*I grew up drinking iced tea in the South, so black tea will always have a place in my cupboard.
*I am obsessed with cinnamon! Anything loaded with cinnamon will become a favorite of mine.
*I like fruity teas, especially if they are tart. I love hibiscus and rose hips.
*I also like dark, strong, toasty teas, but preferably nothing smokey.
*I don’t do chamomile. Never. Ever. EW.

I’m open to try anything. Suggestions are welcome. :)

[#’s are solely based on personal preference.]
Less than 50 : Pour it down the drain
50-64 : Finish the cup // Never drink it again
65-74 : Not a bad cup // Would not repurchase
75-94 : Quite tasty // Would consider repurchasing
95+ : Delicious // Will never run out <3


Virginia, U.S.

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