Thank you Angel and Teavivre for this lovely tea sample!
I appreciate Teavivre’s generous samples! Don’t know what got into me the last few days, but I’ve been screwing up pots of tea and over-brewing the past few days.
You think I’d know better after all the tea I’ve had but Nooooo, even an experienced tea drinker can get arrogant!
Too much water to tea leaf ratio or an overdone steeping causes astringent tea that makes a person retch!
I owe those who harvest and process this tea an apology because I should have followed directions and remembered to take care.
So, I began again…humbled by my own tea rudeness, with 16 oz fresh filtered water boiled at 185 degrees…and steeped the leaves for 2 minutes. For the packet of tea provided, this was perfect.
The liquor was dark golden brown with the scent of brown sugar and clover honey.
My first sip was not too sweet and tasted like whole grain wheat bread warm from the oven.
I added cream (not milk) and the rich breadiness became croissant pastry. Flaky, sweet, buttery layers and a light honied aftertaste.
Having enough tea to brew again was important in my discovery of what this tea had to offer since I blew it with my earlier lack of effort and care. I’m so glad that I had a second chance at redemption!
The moral of the story for me is to pay attention and not take for granted what I think I know about tea. Never get lazy about brewing tea either, because I’ll be sorry if I do!
This is a tea worth tasting!
Wholesome and comforting like you’d want from a good morning or afternoon pick-me-up tea. An antidepressant in a cup of delicious TEA.
Thanks for your valuable experience. And reminding me if we want to appreciate the real taste of tea, we’d better to put in some time and effort. Time, mood, water, tea sets, brewing, tasting and enjoying the whole process.
Sounds wonderfully wholesome to me. :)
Wholesome and comforting like you’d want from a good morning or afternoon pick-me-up tea. An antidepressant in a cup of delicious TEA.
Sounds wonderful! I’m looking forward to trying this when my sample from Angel arrives!
Thanks for your valuable experience. And reminding me if we want to appreciate the real taste of tea, we’d better to put in some time and effort. Time, mood, water, tea sets, brewing, tasting and enjoying the whole process.
Tea has a way of teaching you lessons when you least expect it! :)