Here’s Hoping TTB R5 #8
El Nino has finally decided to pay California a visit! And this means we’re expecting nothing but rainy days all this week which is a great change from the drought this state has seemed to have been in since the day we arrived here three years ago!!
Rainy days means lots of teas and since I’m still trying to power through the TTB I decided that a milk oolong would be a perfect treat on a grey and wet day…. This isn’t bad. I get a lot more of the vegetal notes that I do any milkiness or creaminess. Its a decent oolong, I just don’t know if it feels like a milk oolong to me.. maybe because its artificially flavored instead of being natural… whats most interesting (to me at least) is they flavor the tea to enhance the milk scented yet to me this tea smells more like cinnamon or a david’s tea I can’t put my finger on than milk… now that I think about it, most the most likely answer is this may have suffered some in box cross contamination