Yup, definitely seems that I am on a sip down mission today… After three years in California we’ve been advised that our company is looking to move us again. So I’ve started working my way thought the house spring cleaning style like I always do when we get this news to make it just a little less stressful when the movers eventually turn up to move us who knows where. I’ve started in the kitchen because its always helpful to know what food we have to try to eat through, give away, donate and dispose of and of course I need a good dose of caffeine to keep me motivated and moving through this process… or in this instance, a non-caffeinated break to stop me from getting super jittery!!
This is the reblend of the tea by the new 52 Teas – I cold brewed it up and although I’m getting the minty grasshopper flavors, I’m not getting much chocolate and unfortunately there’s another flavor that I can’t put my finger on that I’m not finding all that pleasant. It might be the honeybush base as I’m not the hugest fan of this type of tea. Down the sink this one is going… but I have plenty of other great 52 teas to take its place both in my cup and in my cupboard.
doh. that’s too bad. This one sounded really good. Hoepfully you find out where you’re moving soon..or if.